Geniebook's highlights of 2023

It’s been a busy 2023 for us at Geniebook, with lots of improvements and new features introduced to our learning platform. Here’s five of our most exciting additions in our quest to accelerate our students’ learning.
#1: Geniebook’s UI/UX revamp
Release date: June 2003
Software improvements aren’t just about adding new features or expanding existing ones - it’s also about examining the way people use them and finding ways to improve the user experience.

In the middle of this year, we released a complete revamp of the Geniebook platform interface, which included changes such as:
- A whole new space-themed design, with an emphasis on dark backgrounds for better readability and mascots for a friendlier look
- Comprehensive worksheet reports to understand strong/weak topical areas via score and time-taken insights
- Easier ways to review mistakes in marked worksheets via the ‘Mistakes Only’ filter, with indicators for worksheets that are not yet reviewed
- Better ways to private message teachers and a new online/offline status icon
Since its release, we’ve received many positive feedback about the look and feel of the Geniebook platform. Rest assured that we’re continuing to monitor our channels for more ideas for improvement!
You can read more about the UI/UX revamp here.
#2: AI recommender
Release date: June 2023
Released around the same time as the UI/UX revamp, the Geniebook AI recommender is perhaps one of our biggest innovations for this year.

Meant to be a helpful virtual assistant that knows exactly what your child needs to do to improve their grades, the updated AI recommender uses almost one million data points in its database to build a complete profile of your child’s academic progress and uses it to deliver highly personalised guidance, optimised for maximum benefit. It also remembers the mistakes that your child makes, picks the most effective questions set from a database of 300,000 questions, and even automatically recommends topics to focus on.
Since the initial announcement of this feature, we’ve gone ahead to produce a more detailed fact sheet about how the AI recommender works, which you can read here.
A product of a long development process, the updated AI recommender now forms the backbone of our efforts to deliver a fully personalised education in order to help students learn faster.
#3: Skills System
Release date: June 2023
It can be difficult for students to accurately gauge their mastery of various subjects and topics, especially when they’re immersed in learning on Geniebook, doing their best to attempt challenging questions in their quest for improvement. That’s why in June of this year, we unveiled the Skills System for Geniebook, which aims to give a detailed breakdown of any student’s performance within our learning platform.

Each topic and subject is assigned a skill level, ranging from 1 to 10; the higher the level, the more proficient a student is judged to be for that particular topic or subject. More than just a performance metric, the skill levels also reflect each student’s ability to tackle worksheet questions of varying difficulties. There is also a ‘decay’ function built into the system to account for prolonged periods of inactivity, so that students aren’t unfairly given difficult questions after a long period of absence.
In addition to these uses, the Skills System is also available for parents to view at any time within the Parent App. With stat-tracking tools that show historical data at a glance, this feature allows parents the ability to actively assist their child’s academic journey by monitoring their performance and pinpointing strengths and weaknesses, zooming down to each individual concept within specific topics.

Click here to read a more in-depth introduction to the Skills System, or find out more about how parents can keep track of their child’s performance inside the Parent App here.
#4: AI Mark
Release date: August 2023
The 2023 upgrade to Geniebook’s previous version of the AI Mark function represents yet another step in our ongoing quest to create better academic supplementary tools through AI innovations.
As its name suggests, AI Mark is an internal automation tool specially designed to assist our teachers by expediting marking processes for up to 80% of all P3-P6 Science open-ended questions (OEQs). It does this through analysing thousands of student answers in its historical database for similar ones and referencing the given marks for those answers, before determining the right mark to assign for the answer it is currently marking. All provisional marks awarded by AI Mark are verified by our teachers before they are finalised.
The AI Mark has been an invaluable tool, and not only because it increases our marking speed - it also helps to ensure that marks are given accurately and fairly.
Check out this article for an in-depth explanation of how AI Mark works.
#5: Mock Exams
Release date: August 2023
Geniebook might be known for its suite of online learning products, but we’re always on the lookout for fresh ideas to help accelerate our students’ learning. Case in point: Geniebook’s online Mock Exams.

Designed to provide parents and students an alternative way to gauge exam readiness and boost academic confidence following the abolishment of mid-year exams in Singapore schools, the 2023 edition of the Mock Exams was first announced in August and was subsequently held a month later, with papers in English, Mathematics, Science, and Chinese offered to our Primary 4-5/Secondary 1-2 students. The Mock Exams were held entirely online, with each participating student logging on via personal devices to attempt the papers.
In addition to receiving their markings for each paper, students were also eligible to sign up for a series of post-exam webinars that would go through the exam questions meticulously, offering advice towards correct answering methods and general revision tips.
All in all, we’re glad to see that the Mock Exams have benefitted all participating students. We will continue to explore other avenues to further assist students in their academic journeys.
And these are the Top 5 highlights that we’ve picked from our very eventful year. We can’t wait to see what awaits us in 2024!