5 Fun games to help Primary 6 students learn about angles

Learning about angles can be fun! As a parent, you can help your Primary 6 child grasp this important Maths concept with these 5 engaging games.
From hands-on activities to digital games, these games will make learning angles easy and enjoyable for your child.
Game 1: Angle Bingo
This game is a fun and engaging way to help students identify angles. By playing this game, students learn to recognise and differentiate between different types of angles. For example, they learn that an acute angle is smaller than a right angle, and an obtuse angle is larger. This game is designed to help students practice their Maths skills while having fun.
Number of Players: 2 or more
Time Taken: 15-20 minutes
Step-by-step instructions to play Angle Bingo:
- Create Bingo cards with angles on them.
- Before starting the game, make sure your child understands the different types of angles (acute, obtuse, right, and straight).
- Call out angles one at a time, and have your child mark them on their Bingo card.
- The first person to get a Bingo (either a straight line, diagonal line, or four corners) wins the game.
Points To Note:
- Use visual aids (such as pictures or diagrams) to help your child remember the different types of angles.
- Make sure the Bingo cards have a mix of different types of angles so that your child gets to practice identifying all of them.
- To make the game more challenging, use Bingo cards with a mix of different types of angles so that your child gets to practice identifying all of them.
Game 2: Bow and Angle
Bow and Angle is a fun online game that can help Primary 6 students practice their knowledge of angles. In this game, players must use their understanding of angles to aim and shoot a bow and arrow at a target. The game is designed to be both fun and educational, helping students improve their angle recognition and visualisation skills.
Number of Players: 1
Time Taken: Avg. 5-10 minutes per level
Step-by-step instructions to play Bow and Angle game:
- To start playing Bow and Angle, go to the ABCya.com website and find the game in the 'Math' category.
- Click on the 'Play now' button to start the game.
- Once the game loads, you will see a bow and arrow on the screen, as well as a target in the distance.
- To aim the bow and arrow, use the mouse to move the crosshairs on the screen. The angle of the bow will change depending on the position of the crosshairs.
- Use your knowledge of angles to adjust the position of the crosshairs until the bow is aimed at the target.
- Once you are satisfied with the aim, click the mouse button to shoot the arrow.
- The game will give you feedback on your shot, telling you how close you were to the target and how many points you earned.
- Keep playing and practising to improve your aim and earn higher scores.
Points To Note:
- The game features multiple levels of difficulty, so players can adjust the challenge level as they improve.
- The game provides immediate feedback, helping students to learn from their mistakes and improve their aim.
- Bow and Angle is a fun and engaging way for Primary 6 students to practice their angle recognition skills, and can be a useful supplement to classroom instruction.
Game 3: Tangram Puzzles
Tangram puzzles are a fun and interactive way to help students create and identify different types of angles. By playing with tangram pieces, students learn about the properties of shapes and how they can be arranged to form different angles. Tangram puzzles help students develop spatial reasoning skills and improve their problem-solving abilities.
Number of Players: 1 or more
Time Taken: 30 minutes
Step-by-step instructions to play Tangram puzzles:
- Provide your child with a set of tangram pieces in different shapes and sizes. If you don't have tangram puzzles on hand, you can find them in the Geniebook Bubble store. If you are not a Geniebook subscriber, you can also get them on websites like Amazon or Shopee.
- Encourage your child to experiment with different arrangements of the pieces to create different types of angles.
- Challenge your child to create shapes that are made up of multiple angles.
Points To Note:
- Challenge your child to create shapes that are made up of multiple angles.
Game 4: Angle Scavenger Hunt
Angle Scavenger Hunt is an outdoor game that challenges students to find examples of different types of angles in their surroundings. By playing this game, students learn to identify angles in real-life situations and develop their observation skills. Angle Scavenger Hunt helps students understand that angles are all around us and that we encounter them every day.
Number of Players: 2 or more
Time Taken: 30 minutes
Step-by-step instructions to play Angle Scavenger Hunt:
- Provide your child with a list of different types of angles (such as acute, obtuse, right, and straight).
- Encourage your child to observe their surroundings and find examples of each type of angle.
- Help your child understand how each angle they find fits into their list.
- The first person to find all the angles on the list wins!
Game 5: Protractor Practice
Protractor Practice is a simple activity that helps students learn how to measure and identify different types of angles accurately. By practising with a protractor, students develop their Maths skills and learn to use measurement tools effectively. Protractor Practice helps students understand that angles are not just abstract concepts but can be measured and quantified.
Number of Players: 1
Time Taken: 15-20 minutes
Step-by-step ingredients to play Protractor Practice
- Provide your child with a protractor and a series of angles to measure.
- Encourage your child to measure each angle as accurately as possible.
- Challenge your child to identify what type of angle each one is (acute, obtuse, right, or straight).
By playing these fun and interactive games with your child, you can help them grasp the important math concept of angles in no time. Whether you prefer hands-on activities or digital games, these games are sure to engage your child and make learning about angles a fun and exciting adventure!