Recent articles
Best Ways to Integrate Geniebook for Your Child’s Learning in Singapore
How Mindfulness Helps Students Reduce Exam Anxiety & Boost Concentration
Online Education in Singapore: How Geniebook Supports Academic Success
Gear up for Mock Exams 2025: Mid-year Edition!
AI-powered Learning vs Traditional Tuition: Why a Hybrid Model Gives Your Child an Edge
The Future of Learning: How Online Learning is Transforming Primary Education in Singapore
How Singaporean Parents Can Support Their Child’s Learning Effectively
Why Some Students Learn Faster Than Others & How Parents Can Help Them Improve
Helping Your Child Overcome Peer Pressure and Excel Academically in Singapore
PSLE Memory and Retention Techniques to Improve Academic Performance
How Parents Can Keep Children Motivated To Learn
How to Recognise Burnout in Children: 7 Signs They Need a Break from Studying
Boost PSLE Success with Geniebook’s AI-personalised Worksheets | Smarter Learning for Primary Students
5 School Holiday Activities to Keep Your Child Learning (Without Stressing Parents!)
Primary 6 to Secondary 1 Transition: Essential Tips for a Smooth Start
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Staff Feature Interview: Get to know Science HOD Ruilin
Staff Feature Interview: Get to know Maths HOD Andy
Staff Feature Interview: Get to know Chinese HOD Carolyn Zhang
Celebrating Racial Harmony Day in Singapore: Why Diversity Matters in Education
Youth Day 2025: 5 Ways to Support Your Child’s Academic Journey
Celebrating Geniebook students’ PSLE 2024 achievements
Staff Feature Interview: Get to know English HOD Rosvinder
Get prepared with the Mock Exams: End-of-Year Edition!
Geniebook CAMPUS: Creating the future of tuition
Staff feature interview: Get to know Senior Product Manager Dominic
Train up with the Mock Exams 2024 Prelim Edition!
Monitor your child's learning with the Parent App update
A little help goes a long way: Introducing Geniebook Hints
Reflections from Geniebook's co-founder
What's new in Geniebook: March 2024
Practice realistically with timed worksheets
Get ready for Mock Exams 2024: Mid-year Edition!
Embark on a global adventure: Virtual field trips for school and public holidays
Practise better with Geniebook's new Recommended Worksheets
Introducing the Post-class Homework feature
Navigating exam expectations in a new school year
8 Surprising facts about the Dragon Zodiac
3 Ways to cultivate creativity in learning Mathematics
Finding the perfect balance between CCAs and Studies
Beyond secondary school: what's next?
3 Ways to playfully encourage your child's New Year resolutions
Exploring AI tools for the holidays: DALL-E
How is Christmas celebrated globally?
Geniebook's highlights of 2023
Exploring AI tools for the holidays: Canva
3 more books to enjoy during Christmas
Exploring AI tools for the holidays: Notion
Helping your child nurture a lifelong love of reading
Everyday Maths: Calculating year-end discounts for your shopping spree
Exploring AI tools for the holidays: Midjourney
7 Tips to planning a stress-free family holiday getaway
6 Tips on teaching your child financial literacy
Exploring unique CCAs: Equestrian Club
Karaoke: Learning new languages the musically fun way
Exploring unique CCAs: Flying Club
Happy Deepavali from Geniebook!
Exploring unique CCAs: Fencing
Which secondary school should your child pick?
Happy Halloween! A glimpse of spooky celebrations around the world
What actually is AI, anyway? A child-friendly guide to artificial intelligence
Internships: Are they really necessary for a successful future?
3 Free tools for beginners to experience the magic of generative AI
How often do you think about the Roman Empire?
2 Critical skills your child needs to prepare for an AI-generative world: Part 2
Fueling exam performance success through a healthy and balanced diet
Mindful parenting: A path to deeper parent-child connections
3 Unique Children's Day celebrations around the world
A reflection of our students' achievements in Vietnam
Mid-Autumn Festival: A moonlit celebration
How to remember what you studied during an exam
Ask Our Teachers: Tips to acing your PSLE Chinese paper
3 most important things to note about note-taking
Ask Our Teachers: Tips to acing your PSLE Science paper
Happy Teachers' Day from Geniebook
Ask Our Teachers: Tips to acing your PSLE Maths paper
A deeper dive into the AI-mark feature
Ask Our Teachers: Tips to acing your PSLE English paper
Geniebook's AI recommender, explained
2 Critical skills your child needs to prepare for an AI-generative world: Part 1
Managing exam jitters and performance anxiety: Strategies for student success
A deeper dive into Geniebook's Skills System
Developing effective time management skills during exams
Need to stay sharp without mid-years? Try Geniebook's Mock Exams
Surviving project work: How to make teamwork work
Ask Our Teachers: Excelling in PSLE Chinese oral exams
5 common ways Singaporeans celebrate National Day
Ask Our Teachers: How to ace PSLE English oral exams
Build your child's soft skills with Geniebook Space workshops!
Secret to remembering what you study
The impact of sleep on your child's learning
So you want to be... A football player?
Diving into the enigmatic mind of J. Robert Oppenheimer
So you want to be... A veterinarian?
Celebrating unity with Racial Harmony Day
3 Strategies to create effective homework routines
Studying amidst noise: A how-to
So you want to be... An astronaut?
Using ChatGPT to learn: An artificial assistant for project work
3 Reasons why personalised learning is worth trying
The connection between parental involvement and a child's motivation
Geniebook Podcast: Goodbye mid-year exams, what's next?
How to overcome procrastination and embrace productivity
Are your kids ready for AI? A parent's guide to navigating AI usage
Late night brilliance: Studying effectively at night
Using ChatGPT to learn: Get introduced to new topics
Unlocking the power of learning on YouTube and TikTok
Geniebook Arena: May leaderboard
Great fathers in film: 3 Great choices for movie night
Nicer, better, faster, smarter: New Geniebook improvements now available
Engaging your child's mind at home during the June holidays
Using ChatGPT to learn: Get step-by-step instructions
Learning as a game: 3 Reward systems to use at home
How to use ChatGPT to learn: Getting article summaries
It's time your child steps out of their comfort zone
Geniebook Arena: April leaderboard
Emotional intelligence: Understanding yourself and others
A child-friendly introduction to decision-making
Mid-year exams are no more. Here's how your child can adapt
The soundtrack to success: How music enhances study habits
The benefits of multilingualism
3 Creative writing prompts to help your child develop strong writing skills
Here's how to help your child with a stressful school life
Kickstarting a vocabulary book to learn English better
Feynman Technique: What and how for exam prep
Soft skills: The key to your child's success in school and beyond
How can my child learn Maths easily?
Geniebook Arena: February and March leaderboard
Tips and tricks for your child to keep up with homework
Easter: More than just bunnies and eggs
Fun ways to learn Chinese
ChatGPT: A powerful learning tool, or risky new technology?
The importance of digital literacy for children
How to make your own flashcards at home
The future of education: How e-learning is revolutionising the way we learn
The Bubble Store: Motivational learning for students
Ramadan: A month of lessons and reflections
Flashcards: An effective learning and self-testing approach
The Geniebook Learning Carnival is here!
Subject-based banding: What you need to know
3 Influential women we can learn from this International Women's Day
March workshops at Geniebook's latest learning hub
Fostering a creative and curious mindset in your child
From monosyllables to deep discussions: How to get your child talking
Supporting your child’s physical health and wellness to supplement their studies
Should students study in the day or at night?
Geniebook Arena: January leaderboard
Geniebook Arena: Get ready to rumble
The importance of active listening
How to improve your child’s concentration and focus
Tips to create effective study notes
What is maker learning?
Beyond fun and games: 5 Educational game sites to bring classroom learnings to life
Gamifying your child's learning at home
Creating to-do lists to master time management
The 3 most common traditions of the Lunar New Year
Setting SMART goals for your child in a new academic year
How to start the new school year right with Geniebook
Helping your child learn new subjects in school: Advice for parents
Tips to help your child develop strong social skills in primary school
How to pick the right co-curricular activity in secondary school
When should children get serious about exams?
Art and crafts: A chance to learn something new
Why is Mathematics so important?
Should your child be learning a musical instrument?
How to encourage your child to read
How to buy a study laptop for your child
The four core values to teach every child
Getting the most out of online learning during the holidays
Dealing with exam results as a parent
Geniebook hosts teachers from Temasek Secondary School
Should your child learn programming as a hobby?
Is it a good idea to bring your child for overseas trips?
Self-directed learning: Some obstacles to look out for
5 Holiday activities to keep your child learning
Ask our Teachers: Last minute tips to excel in your O-Level Maths exam
What should your child NOT do during the last week of revision?
Sit well, study better: How good ergonomics promote learning
Studying more efficiently with the Pomodoro Technique
What should your child do on the eve of a major exam?
When is the best time to start revising for exams?
Shaping Changemakers: Geniebook launches in Vietnam with press event
5 Ways to help your child study better at home
6 Ways to recognise when your child needs a break
4 Ways to help your child keep up with lessons in school
Achievement unlocked: Geniebook's new badges feature
Anything is possible: How a growth mindset helps your child succeed in school
6 Tips to help your child stay stress-free
Building self-esteem in children: Whys and How-tos
Hari Raya Haji: Celebrations in Singapore
Ask our Teachers: How to improve in Chinese composition
Helping your child use social media responsibly
Setting up conducive learning environments in small homes: A how-to
Alternate ideas for conducive learning environments
Ask our Teachers: How to score for oral exams?
A quick look at our new AI marking system
Ask Our Teachers: An overview of Primary 6 Chinese exam components
The importance of monitoring your child's attention span
[CNA] Learning Chinese is easier, when lessons come to life
Geniebook Chinese: What's in the Discovery Kit?
Helping your child excel with Geniebook Chinese
4 Easy tips to help prepare for the O-Levels
How to help your child learn Chinese at home and in school
How does supplementary learning help my child improve in school?
Why is learning Chinese so important?
7 Tips to ensure your child has a good experience in P1
How do video games help children in learning better?
How can I ensure the overall development of my child?
Can online learning be made as effective as classroom learning?
4 Important lessons to teach your child outside the classroom
How to make the most of group studying - 5 quick tips
Geniebook collaborates with Apricot Capital to create the Growth Bursary Award
How to help your child make full use of their remedial lessons
Abolishing mid-year exams: Will it affect your child's learning?
Escape with us in our next lo-fi playlist
6 Activities to occupy your child for Term 1 holidays
6 Advantages of online learning in a digital classroom
Setting goals for the school year: 3 Simple tips to get started
The power of AI in personalised learning
4 Good study habits to better prepare for the PSLE
3 Simple tips to help your teen adjust to secondary school life
The importance of looking after your child’s mental health
Introducing some Lunar New Year traditions around the world
4 Ways to help your child nurture good learning habits
Understanding Wordle: Part game, part learning aid
Music to study with: How lo-fi music is helping students to learn better
The Whats, Hows and Whys of social learning
5 Revision tips to help your child conquer exam anxiety
Gamification in education: Finding the fun in learning
7 Simple ways to teach children the concept of time management
Geniebook: The future of e-learning, explained
Self-directed learning: An introduction
Three quick tips for creating a conducive home learning environment
Geniebook recommends: 5 Books to enjoy for Christmas
GenieAsk: Real-time teacher chats for after-school homework help
Six family activity ideas for you and the kids during holidays and weekends
GenieClass: Bringing the best possible classroom experience online
GenieSmart: Learning made easier with AI
[CNA] Personalised worksheets, live classes and chats to power your child’s learning
[ST] Future of learning: How AI complements experienced teachers to deliver the full potential of e-learning
Is your child mentally ready for primary school?
Singapore E-Learning platform’s user numbers treble in 2 years
Geniebook raises $16.6 million in Series A funding
Re: Parenting from a place of love | Letters from a Teacher
3 Tips to prepare for SA2 Mathematics
6 Ways to support your child after poor exam performances
How personalised learning is changing how students learn
How Geniebook simplifies pre-exam revisions
5 Tips to protect your child’s mental health
Benefits of peer-to-peer learning in education
4 Tips to minimise careless mistakes during Math exams
What is the current state of Artificial Intelligence in education?
4 Ways to build your child’s confidence
PSLE: Starting early & finishing well
6 Unexpected ways online learning benefits children
3 Tips to get your child ready for the final exams
All articles
Recent articles
Best Ways to Integrate Geniebook for Your Child’s Learning in Singapore
How Mindfulness Helps Students Reduce Exam Anxiety & Boost Concentration
Online Education in Singapore: How Geniebook Supports Academic Success
Gear up for Mock Exams 2025: Mid-year Edition!
AI-powered Learning vs Traditional Tuition: Why a Hybrid Model Gives Your Child an Edge
The Future of Learning: How Online Learning is Transforming Primary Education in Singapore
How Singaporean Parents Can Support Their Child’s Learning Effectively
Why Some Students Learn Faster Than Others & How Parents Can Help Them Improve
Helping Your Child Overcome Peer Pressure and Excel Academically in Singapore
PSLE Memory and Retention Techniques to Improve Academic Performance
How Parents Can Keep Children Motivated To Learn
How to Recognise Burnout in Children: 7 Signs They Need a Break from Studying
Boost PSLE Success with Geniebook’s AI-personalised Worksheets | Smarter Learning for Primary Students
5 School Holiday Activities to Keep Your Child Learning (Without Stressing Parents!)
Primary 6 to Secondary 1 Transition: Essential Tips for a Smooth Start
Top 8 Best Revision Tips for Primary School Students in Singapore
Staff Feature Interview: Get to know Science HOD Ruilin
Staff Feature Interview: Get to know Maths HOD Andy
Staff Feature Interview: Get to know Chinese HOD Carolyn Zhang
Celebrating Racial Harmony Day in Singapore: Why Diversity Matters in Education
Youth Day 2025: 5 Ways to Support Your Child’s Academic Journey
Celebrating Geniebook students’ PSLE 2024 achievements
Staff Feature Interview: Get to know English HOD Rosvinder
Get prepared with the Mock Exams: End-of-Year Edition!
Geniebook CAMPUS: Creating the future of tuition
Staff feature interview: Get to know Senior Product Manager Dominic
Train up with the Mock Exams 2024 Prelim Edition!
Monitor your child's learning with the Parent App update
A little help goes a long way: Introducing Geniebook Hints
Reflections from Geniebook's co-founder
What's new in Geniebook: March 2024
Practice realistically with timed worksheets
Get ready for Mock Exams 2024: Mid-year Edition!
Embark on a global adventure: Virtual field trips for school and public holidays
Practise better with Geniebook's new Recommended Worksheets
Introducing the Post-class Homework feature
Navigating exam expectations in a new school year
8 Surprising facts about the Dragon Zodiac
3 Ways to cultivate creativity in learning Mathematics
Finding the perfect balance between CCAs and Studies
Beyond secondary school: what's next?
3 Ways to playfully encourage your child's New Year resolutions
Exploring AI tools for the holidays: DALL-E
How is Christmas celebrated globally?
Geniebook's highlights of 2023
Exploring AI tools for the holidays: Canva
3 more books to enjoy during Christmas
Exploring AI tools for the holidays: Notion
Helping your child nurture a lifelong love of reading
Everyday Maths: Calculating year-end discounts for your shopping spree
Exploring AI tools for the holidays: Midjourney
7 Tips to planning a stress-free family holiday getaway
6 Tips on teaching your child financial literacy
Exploring unique CCAs: Equestrian Club
Karaoke: Learning new languages the musically fun way
Exploring unique CCAs: Flying Club
Happy Deepavali from Geniebook!
Exploring unique CCAs: Fencing
Which secondary school should your child pick?
Happy Halloween! A glimpse of spooky celebrations around the world
What actually is AI, anyway? A child-friendly guide to artificial intelligence
Internships: Are they really necessary for a successful future?
3 Free tools for beginners to experience the magic of generative AI
How often do you think about the Roman Empire?
2 Critical skills your child needs to prepare for an AI-generative world: Part 2
Fueling exam performance success through a healthy and balanced diet
Mindful parenting: A path to deeper parent-child connections
3 Unique Children's Day celebrations around the world
A reflection of our students' achievements in Vietnam
Mid-Autumn Festival: A moonlit celebration
How to remember what you studied during an exam
Ask Our Teachers: Tips to acing your PSLE Chinese paper
3 most important things to note about note-taking
Ask Our Teachers: Tips to acing your PSLE Science paper
Happy Teachers' Day from Geniebook
Ask Our Teachers: Tips to acing your PSLE Maths paper
A deeper dive into the AI-mark feature
Ask Our Teachers: Tips to acing your PSLE English paper
Geniebook's AI recommender, explained
2 Critical skills your child needs to prepare for an AI-generative world: Part 1
Managing exam jitters and performance anxiety: Strategies for student success
A deeper dive into Geniebook's Skills System
Developing effective time management skills during exams
Need to stay sharp without mid-years? Try Geniebook's Mock Exams
Surviving project work: How to make teamwork work
Ask Our Teachers: Excelling in PSLE Chinese oral exams
5 common ways Singaporeans celebrate National Day
Ask Our Teachers: How to ace PSLE English oral exams
Build your child's soft skills with Geniebook Space workshops!
Secret to remembering what you study
The impact of sleep on your child's learning
So you want to be... A football player?
Diving into the enigmatic mind of J. Robert Oppenheimer
So you want to be... A veterinarian?
Celebrating unity with Racial Harmony Day
3 Strategies to create effective homework routines
Studying amidst noise: A how-to
So you want to be... An astronaut?
Using ChatGPT to learn: An artificial assistant for project work
3 Reasons why personalised learning is worth trying
The connection between parental involvement and a child's motivation
Geniebook Podcast: Goodbye mid-year exams, what's next?
How to overcome procrastination and embrace productivity
Are your kids ready for AI? A parent's guide to navigating AI usage
Late night brilliance: Studying effectively at night
Using ChatGPT to learn: Get introduced to new topics
Unlocking the power of learning on YouTube and TikTok
Geniebook Arena: May leaderboard
Great fathers in film: 3 Great choices for movie night
Nicer, better, faster, smarter: New Geniebook improvements now available
Engaging your child's mind at home during the June holidays
Using ChatGPT to learn: Get step-by-step instructions
Learning as a game: 3 Reward systems to use at home
How to use ChatGPT to learn: Getting article summaries
It's time your child steps out of their comfort zone
Geniebook Arena: April leaderboard
Emotional intelligence: Understanding yourself and others
A child-friendly introduction to decision-making
Mid-year exams are no more. Here's how your child can adapt
The soundtrack to success: How music enhances study habits
The benefits of multilingualism
3 Creative writing prompts to help your child develop strong writing skills
Here's how to help your child with a stressful school life
Kickstarting a vocabulary book to learn English better
Feynman Technique: What and how for exam prep
Soft skills: The key to your child's success in school and beyond
How can my child learn Maths easily?
Geniebook Arena: February and March leaderboard
Tips and tricks for your child to keep up with homework
Easter: More than just bunnies and eggs
Fun ways to learn Chinese
ChatGPT: A powerful learning tool, or risky new technology?
The importance of digital literacy for children
How to make your own flashcards at home
The future of education: How e-learning is revolutionising the way we learn
The Bubble Store: Motivational learning for students
Ramadan: A month of lessons and reflections
Flashcards: An effective learning and self-testing approach
The Geniebook Learning Carnival is here!
Subject-based banding: What you need to know
3 Influential women we can learn from this International Women's Day
March workshops at Geniebook's latest learning hub
Fostering a creative and curious mindset in your child
From monosyllables to deep discussions: How to get your child talking
Supporting your child’s physical health and wellness to supplement their studies
Should students study in the day or at night?
Geniebook Arena: January leaderboard
Geniebook Arena: Get ready to rumble
The importance of active listening
How to improve your child’s concentration and focus
Tips to create effective study notes
What is maker learning?
Beyond fun and games: 5 Educational game sites to bring classroom learnings to life
Gamifying your child's learning at home
Creating to-do lists to master time management
The 3 most common traditions of the Lunar New Year
Setting SMART goals for your child in a new academic year
How to start the new school year right with Geniebook
Helping your child learn new subjects in school: Advice for parents
Tips to help your child develop strong social skills in primary school
How to pick the right co-curricular activity in secondary school
When should children get serious about exams?
Art and crafts: A chance to learn something new
Why is Mathematics so important?
Should your child be learning a musical instrument?
How to encourage your child to read
How to buy a study laptop for your child
The four core values to teach every child
Getting the most out of online learning during the holidays
Dealing with exam results as a parent
Geniebook hosts teachers from Temasek Secondary School
Should your child learn programming as a hobby?
Is it a good idea to bring your child for overseas trips?
Self-directed learning: Some obstacles to look out for
5 Holiday activities to keep your child learning
Ask our Teachers: Last minute tips to excel in your O-Level Maths exam
What should your child NOT do during the last week of revision?
Sit well, study better: How good ergonomics promote learning
Studying more efficiently with the Pomodoro Technique
What should your child do on the eve of a major exam?
When is the best time to start revising for exams?
Shaping Changemakers: Geniebook launches in Vietnam with press event
5 Ways to help your child study better at home
6 Ways to recognise when your child needs a break
4 Ways to help your child keep up with lessons in school
Achievement unlocked: Geniebook's new badges feature
Anything is possible: How a growth mindset helps your child succeed in school
6 Tips to help your child stay stress-free
Building self-esteem in children: Whys and How-tos
Hari Raya Haji: Celebrations in Singapore
Ask our Teachers: How to improve in Chinese composition
Helping your child use social media responsibly
Setting up conducive learning environments in small homes: A how-to
Alternate ideas for conducive learning environments
Ask our Teachers: How to score for oral exams?
A quick look at our new AI marking system
Ask Our Teachers: An overview of Primary 6 Chinese exam components
The importance of monitoring your child's attention span
[CNA] Learning Chinese is easier, when lessons come to life
Geniebook Chinese: What's in the Discovery Kit?
Helping your child excel with Geniebook Chinese
4 Easy tips to help prepare for the O-Levels
How to help your child learn Chinese at home and in school
How does supplementary learning help my child improve in school?
Why is learning Chinese so important?
7 Tips to ensure your child has a good experience in P1
How do video games help children in learning better?
How can I ensure the overall development of my child?
Can online learning be made as effective as classroom learning?
4 Important lessons to teach your child outside the classroom
How to make the most of group studying - 5 quick tips
Geniebook collaborates with Apricot Capital to create the Growth Bursary Award
How to help your child make full use of their remedial lessons
Abolishing mid-year exams: Will it affect your child's learning?
Escape with us in our next lo-fi playlist
6 Activities to occupy your child for Term 1 holidays
6 Advantages of online learning in a digital classroom
Setting goals for the school year: 3 Simple tips to get started
The power of AI in personalised learning
4 Good study habits to better prepare for the PSLE
3 Simple tips to help your teen adjust to secondary school life
The importance of looking after your child’s mental health
Introducing some Lunar New Year traditions around the world
4 Ways to help your child nurture good learning habits
Understanding Wordle: Part game, part learning aid
Music to study with: How lo-fi music is helping students to learn better
The Whats, Hows and Whys of social learning
5 Revision tips to help your child conquer exam anxiety
Gamification in education: Finding the fun in learning
7 Simple ways to teach children the concept of time management
Geniebook: The future of e-learning, explained
Self-directed learning: An introduction
Three quick tips for creating a conducive home learning environment
Geniebook recommends: 5 Books to enjoy for Christmas
GenieAsk: Real-time teacher chats for after-school homework help
Six family activity ideas for you and the kids during holidays and weekends
GenieClass: Bringing the best possible classroom experience online
GenieSmart: Learning made easier with AI
[CNA] Personalised worksheets, live classes and chats to power your child’s learning
[ST] Future of learning: How AI complements experienced teachers to deliver the full potential of e-learning
Is your child mentally ready for primary school?
Singapore E-Learning platform’s user numbers treble in 2 years
Geniebook raises $16.6 million in Series A funding
Re: Parenting from a place of love | Letters from a Teacher
3 Tips to prepare for SA2 Mathematics
6 Ways to support your child after poor exam performances
How personalised learning is changing how students learn
How Geniebook simplifies pre-exam revisions
5 Tips to protect your child’s mental health
Benefits of peer-to-peer learning in education
4 Tips to minimise careless mistakes during Math exams
What is the current state of Artificial Intelligence in education?
4 Ways to build your child’s confidence
PSLE: Starting early & finishing well
6 Unexpected ways online learning benefits children
3 Tips to get your child ready for the final exams