How to help a child who is struggling with Maths: Tips and strategies
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- Primary Maths

If your child keeps saying, "I just don't understand" when it comes to solving maths questions, this article is here to help.
Understanding The Struggle
Before we explore why your child finds math challenging, let's first understand the reasons behind their struggles with maths. The reasons can vary from child to child, but some common reasons include:
Lack Of Foundational Knowledge
Maths is a subject that builds on previous concepts. If your child is struggling with a particular concept, it may be because they don't have a solid understanding of the foundational knowledge needed to understand the current topic.
Anxiety or Fear
Maths anxiety is a real issue that can prevent children from performing well in their exams. Fear of failure or embarrassment can cause a child to avoid the subject or shut down during class.
Learning Style
Every child learns differently, and some children may struggle with traditional teaching methods. They may need more hands-on or visual learning opportunities to fully grasp a concept.
Lack Of Practice
Mathematics requires a lot of practice to master. Without enough practice, a child may struggle to remember the concepts and formulas. For example, a child may not have practised enough to memorise multiplication tables.
Lack Of Interest
Some children may not be interested in Maths, which can make it challenging for them to focus on the subject.
Identifying the reason behind your child's struggle can help you choose the right strategies to help them overcome their difficulties.
Tips And Strategies To Help The Child Improve In Maths
1. Identify The Areas Of Difficulty
The first step in helping your child is to identify the areas in which they are struggling. This can be done by reviewing their homework and tests and talking to their teacher. You can also sign up for a Geniebook demo and ask for a free strength analysis for your child. The results of this analysis will help you identify their problem areas.
Once you’ve identified the topics that your child is weak in, you can focus your attention on helping them improve in those specific topics. If you want tips on how to do this, you can refer to our Mastering Maths: Your ultimate guide to excelling in PSLE article.
2. Provide A Supportive Environment
It's important to create a supportive environment for your child to learn and grow in. Encourage them to ask questions and offer praise when they make progress. Avoid negative comments or punishments for mistakes as this can increase anxiety and decrease motivation.
3. Review Basic Concepts
If your child is struggling with a particular concept, it may be because they don't have a solid foundation of the basics. Spend some time reviewing previous concepts with your child to ensure they have a strong foundation for future learning.
4. Use Real-Life Examples
Maths can feel abstract and disconnected from real life. Try to find ways to relate Maths concepts to your child's everyday life. For example, baking can be a fun way to teach them about fractions.
5. Use Visual Aids
Visual aids can be a helpful tool for children who learn best through hands-on or visual learning. Use manipulatives such as blocks or charts to help your child visualise and understand mathematical concepts.
6. Make Maths Fun
Children are more likely to learn when they are engaged and interested in the subject. This can be done by using games and other fun activities to teach mathematical concepts. Not sure how to do this? Here are two articles that feature fun and interesting games that you can play with your child:
- These 3 cool Maths card games can help your child ace PSLE
- 5 Fun games to help Primary 6 students learn about angles
If you're looking for extra assistance, you can suggest that your child join Geniebook Arena. Arena is a platform where your child and their friends can work together to solve math and science puzzles and have a chance to win exciting prizes. It's a fun way for them to practice their maths and science skills while staying motivated to play more, as playing daily can get them a better prize.
7. Practice Daily
Repetition is key to building Maths skills. Provide your child with opportunities to practice tough Maths concepts at home. This can be through homework, online games, or worksheets. Encourage your child to work independently but offer support and guidance as needed. You can download these free exam papers to get started.
8. Find A Maths Tutor
If your child is struggling significantly, you may want to consider finding a tutor. A tutor can provide one-on-one support and personalised instruction. They can also help build your child's confidence in their Maths abilities.
We hope these tips will help your child develop an interest in Maths and improve their exam scores.