PSLE Maths lessons: The path to better grades and greater confidence

The PSLE is a significant rite of passage for students in Singapore, and Maths can be a challenging subject to tackle. However, parents need not worry if their child is finding it difficult. There are plenty of methods to help them reach their full potential. In this article, we will break down the entire Maths syllabus by level and share links to Maths lessons that can assist your child in mastering the subject. We'll also share insightful, fun articles and ideas for Maths games along the way which may help increase your child's interest in the subject.
So, let's dive in and equip your child with the tools they need to excel in Maths and the PSLE!
Topics Covered In This Article
Maths Syllabus And Lessons For:
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Maths Syllabus And Lessons For Primary 1
The Primary 1 Mathematics syllabus aims to provide young learners with a strong foundation in basic numeracy and problem-solving skills. To achieve this, the syllabus is organised into various topics, including numbers, measurements, geometry, and statistics. These topics are introduced gradually, ensuring that students have a firm grasp of fundamental concepts before moving on to more complex ones. The syllabus employs interactive and engaging activities to make learning more enjoyable and to encourage the exploration of mathematical concepts. By the end of the year, students will have acquired a range of mathematical skills and knowledge that will prepare them for the challenges that lie ahead.
Whole Numbers
Lessons On Numbers Up To 100
Lessons On Addition And Subtraction
Multiplication And Division
Counting The Amount Of Money
Discover the joy of counting money with this easy story for primary 1 students
Lessons On 2D Shapes
Shapes 1
Lessons On Picture Graphs
Picture Graphs 1
➡️ Click here to practice your learning with these exam papers for Primary 1
Maths Syllabus And Lessons For Primary 2
The Primary 2 Mathematics syllabus is designed to build upon the foundation established in Primary 1 and help students further develop their numerical and problem-solving abilities. The syllabus introduces new topics such as money, time, and basic geometry while also delving deeper into concepts covered in Primary 1 such as addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, and measurement. The syllabus places a strong emphasis on problem-solving skills, requiring students to think critically and logically when faced with mathematical challenges. By the end of the year, students will have gained a more in-depth understanding of mathematics and will be better equipped to tackle more complex concepts in the years ahead.
Numbers And Algebra
Whole Numbers
Lessons On Numbers Up To 1000
Lessons On Addition And Subtraction
Lessons On Multiplication And Division
Lessons On The Fractions Of A Whole
Addition And Subtraction Of A Fraction
Lessons On Money
Measurement And Geometry
Lessons On 2D Shapes
3D Shapes
Data Representation And Interpretation
Lessons on picture graphs with scales
Bonus Lessons
- Math Model Drawing
- Model drawing for word problems
- Division made easy: Story-based learning approach for Primary 2
➡️ Click here to practice your learning with these exam papers for Primary 2
Maths Syllabus And Lessons For Primary 3
The Primary 3 Mathematics syllabus continues to build upon the foundation established in the previous years and aims to provide students with a more comprehensive understanding of mathematical concepts. The syllabus covers topics such as whole numbers, fractions, time, geometry, and data handling. New topics such as multiplication and division of larger numbers and basic algebra are also introduced this year. The syllabus places a strong emphasis on developing students' problem-solving skills and encourages them to apply mathematical concepts to real-world situations. By the end of the year, students will have a deeper understanding of mathematics and be able to solve more complex problems independently. The syllabus also aims to promote an appreciation for the value of mathematics in daily life and the importance of developing a positive attitude towards the subject. Overall, the Primary 3 Mathematics syllabus aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in Maths in the years to come.
Number And Algebra
Whole Numbers
Numbers Up To 10,000
Lessons On Addition And Subtraction
Lessons On Multiplication And Division
Articles On Equivalent Fractions
Addition And Subtraction Of Fractions
Articles On Money
Measurement And Geometry
Articles On Length, Mass And Volume
Area And Volume
Lessons On Area And Perimeter
Lessons On Angles
Lessons On Perpendicular And Parallel Lines
Data Pepresentation And Interpretation
➡️ Click here to practice your learning with these exam papers for Primary 3
Maths Syllabus And Lessons For Primary 4
The Primary 4 Mathematics syllabus builds on the foundation laid in the previous years and aims to further develop students' Maths skills and understanding. The syllabus covers a range of topics such as fractions, decimals, geometry, and data analysis. Students will learn to convert between fractions and decimals and understand basic concepts of percentages. The syllabus also introduces new concepts such as ratios, basic algebra, and problem-solving involving more than one step. Students will be encouraged to use critical thinking and logical reasoning to solve problems and explore mathematical concepts using real-world examples. By the end of the year, students will have a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and be able to apply them to solve complex problems.
Number And Algebra
Whole Numbers
Lessons On Numbers Up To 100,000
Lessons On Factors And Multiples
Four Operations
Lessons On Mixed Numbers And Improper Fractions
Fraction Of A Set Of Objects
Addition And Subtraction
Lessons On Up To 3 Decimal Places
Addition And Subtraction
Lessons On Multiplication And Division
Measurement And Geometry
Lessons On Time
Area And Volume
Lessons On Area And Perimeter
Rectangle And Square
Line Symmetry
Data Representation And Interpretation
Lessons On Tables And Line Graphs
Bonus Lessons
➡️ Click here to practice your learning with these exam papers for Primary 4
Maths Syllabus And Lessons For Primary 5
The Primary 5 Mathematics syllabus is designed to provide students with a challenging yet rewarding learning experience. The syllabus covers a range of topics such as whole numbers, decimals, fractions, geometry, and algebra. New concepts such as percentage increase and decrease, volume, and surface area are also introduced. Students will be encouraged to explore mathematical concepts in depth and to apply critical thinking skills to solve complex problems. The syllabus emphasises the development of higher-order thinking skills, such as reasoning, analysis, and synthesis, and challenges students to think creatively and innovatively. Students will also be introduced to problem-solving strategies, such as model drawing and heuristics, to help them tackle more complex problems. The syllabus aims to deepen students' understanding of the relevance of mathematics to other disciplines and to prepare them for the challenges of secondary school mathematics. By the end of the year, students will have developed a strong foundation in mathematical concepts and skills, enabling them to excel in the years to come.
Whole Numbers
Numbers And Algebra
Lessons On Numbers Up To 10 million
Four Operations
Fraction And Division
Lessons On Four Operations
Lessons On Four Operations
Lessons On Ratio
Rate And Speed
Lessons On Rate
Measurement Of Geometry
Area And Volume
Area Of Triangle
Lessons On Volume Of Cube And Cuboid
Lessons On Angles
Parallelogram, Rhombus And Trapezium
Data Analysis
Lessons On Average Of A Set Of Data
Bonus Lessons
➡️ Click here to practice your learning with these exam papers for Primary 5
Maths Syllabus And Lessons For Primary 6
The Primary 6 Mathematics syllabus is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of mathematical concepts and to prepare them for the rigours of secondary school mathematics. The syllabus covers a range of topics, including whole numbers, decimals, fractions, percentages, geometry, algebra, and data analysis. New concepts such as ratios, rates, and proportions are also introduced. Students will be challenged to apply their critical thinking and problem-solving skills to solve complex problems and explore mathematical concepts in depth. The syllabus emphasises the development of higher-order thinking skills, such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation, to help students approach mathematical problems from multiple perspectives. Students will also be encouraged to communicate their mathematical thinking effectively through written explanations and diagrams. The syllabus aims to deepen students' understanding of the practical applications of mathematics in daily life and in other disciplines. By the end of the year, students will have developed a strong foundation in mathematical concepts and skills, preparing them for the challenges of secondary school mathematics and beyond.
Numbers And Algebra
Lessons For Four Operations
Lessons On Ratio
Rate And Speed
Lessons On Distance, Time And Speed
Lessons On Algebra
Measurement And Geometry
Area And Volume
Area And Circumference Of A Circle
Lessons On Volumes Of Cube And Cuboid
Lessons On Special Quadrilaterals
Data Representation And Interpretation
Lessons On Pie Charts
Bonus Lessons:
Fun Things To Learn:
➡️ Click here to practice your learning with these exam papers for Primary 6
Now that you're aware of the topics covered, take a look at our guide for acing PSLE Maths. It's packed with helpful tips to prepare your child to reach their full potential and includes links to some of the most challenging past questions with solutions.