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Whole Numbers 1

Whole numbers are the basic counting numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and so on. In P3, we learn numbers up to 10 000.

In this article, the learning objectives are:

  1. Reading and writing numbers up to 10 000
  2. Comparing and ordering numbers

1. Reading and writing numbers up to 10 000

When writing numbers more than 1000 in words, we need to add a comma to separate the hundreds from the thousands.

Question 1:

Write the following in words. 



One thousand, five hundred and eight


Question 2: 

Write the following in words. 



Three thousand, five hundred and twenty


Question 3: 

Write the following in words. 



Seven thousand, eight hundred and forty-five


Question 4:

Write the following in words.

10 000


Ten thousand


Question 5:

Write the following in numerals.

Six thousand, five hundred and nineteen

  1. 6519
  2. 6590
  3. 6591
  4. 5619


(1) 6519


Question 6:

Write the following in numerals.

Two thousand and seventy-five

  1. 2750
  2. 2705
  3. 2275
  4. 2075


(4) 2075


Question 7:

Write the following in numerals.

Four thousand and nine

  1. 409
  2. 4009
  3. 4090
  4. 4900


(2) 4009


Question 8: 

Write the following in numerals.

Five thousand, four hundred and eleven




Question 9:

Write the following in numerals.

Nine thousand, two hundred and five




Question 10:

Which of the following has the same value as the words written below?

Nine thousand, one hundred and thirteen

  1. 9000 \(+\) 10 \(+\) 13
  2. 9000 \(+\) 100 \(+\) 13
  3. 9000 \(+\) 10 \(+\) 30
  4. 9000 \(+\) 100 \(+\) 130


9000 \(+\) 100 \(+\) 13 \(=\) 9113


(2) 9000 \(+\) 100 \(+\) 13


2. Comparing And Ordering Numbers

When we compare numbers, we will compare the digits from the left to the right.

The greater the digit on the “left”, the greater the number.


Question 1:

Let’s take a look at the following numbers:

Which number is greater?

Which number is greater?


The digit in the thousands place of both numbers is 2.
Since they are the same, we look at the digit in the hundreds place.

The digit in the hundreds place of both numbers is different. We compare them.
Since 9 is greater than 5, 2950 is greater than 2590.




Question 2:

Which of the following is the greatest?

  1. 6710
  2. 2375
  3. 4097
  4. 1684


By comparing the digits in the thousands place for all the numbers, 6 is the greatest.
Hence, 6710 is the greatest number.


(1) 6710


Question 3:

Which of the following is the smallest?

  1. 7835
  2. 1089
  3. 2550
  4. 4872


By comparing the digits in the thousands place for all the numbers, 1 is the smallest.
Hence, 1089 is the smallest number.


(2) 1089


Question 4:

Which of the following is the greatest?

  1. 5760
  2. 5670
  3. 6750
  4. 6570


By comparing the digits in the thousands place for all the numbers, 6 is greater than 5.
Hence, we compare 6750 and 6570.

By comparing the digits in the hundreds place for 6750 and 6570, 7 is greater than 5.
Hence, 6750 is the greatest number.


(3) 6750


Question 5:

Which of the following is the smallest?

  1. 2323
  2. 2332
  3. 3232
  4. 3223


By comparing the digits in the thousands place for all the numbers, 2 is smaller than 3.
Hence, we compare 2323 and 2332.

The digit in the hundreds place for 2323 and 2332 is the same.

By comparing the digits in the tens place for 2323 and 2332, 2 is smaller than 3.
Hence, 2323 is the smallest number.


(1) 2323


Question 6:

Arrange the following numbers in order, starting with the smallest.

3750 573 3705 5370


573   3705   3750   5370









Question 7: 

Arrange the following numbers in order, starting with the greatest.

4554 454 4455 5445


5445   4554   4455   454









Question 8: 

Arrange the following numbers in order, starting with the smallest.

1095 5091 9051 1509


1095   1509   5091   9051









Question 9: 

Arrange the following numbers in order, starting with the greatest.

3500 5030 3050 5300


5300   5030   3500   3050









Question 10: 

Arrange the following numbers in order, starting with the smallest.

2960 2680 2806 2608


2608   2680   2806   2960









Question 11: 

Arrange the following numbers in order, starting with the greatest.

1001 1100 1011 1010


1100   1011   1010   1001









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Continue Learning
Volume Money
Mass Fractions
Addition And Subtraction Whole Numbers 1
Whole Numbers 3 Whole Numbers 6
Bar Graphs Angles
Multiplication and Division Length, Mass And Volume
Length Area and Perimeter
Parallel And Perpendicular Lines  


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