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Verb Forms And Gerunds

In this article, we will learn about the different Verb Forms and Gerunds. We will practice questions to understand these concepts better. We will also go through the questions to test our knowledge of Active and Passive voice. In the end, we will go through the meanings of some new vocabulary words and their usage to enhance our vocabulary.

This article is written with the guidelines for Primary 6 English students in mind.

Active Voice

Active voice is a form in which the subject is typically a person or a thing performing an action on the verb i.e. the subject of the sentence acts on the verb. It is a very direct voice. Somebody does some action.

For Example:

Cats catch rats.

Here, cats is the subject.

The action done by the subject (cats) is “catch”.

Passive Voice

Passive Voice is used to show focus on the person or object that experiences an action rather than the person or object that performs the action. Here the subject is acted on by the verb. 

For Example:

Mice caught by cats.

Here, the subject is “Mice”.

The focus is not on the performer of the action.

Subject is not doing the action. The action is done by the cats!

Questions Of Active And Passive Voice

Let us try out the following questions to test our knowledge of the above topic.

Question 1: 

Lt. Serge had hidden the secret for years before it was found out.

The __________

  1. The secret had hidden by Lt. Serge for years before it was found out.
  2. The secret had been hidden by Lt. Serge for years before it was found out.
  3. The hidden for years was Lt. Serge before it was a found out secret.
  4. The hiding of the secret was done by Lt. Serge for many years.


(2) The secret had been hidden by Lt. Serge for years before it was found out.

Question 2:

Alpaka is giving aid to Bisnees to put out the forest fires.

Aid __________.

  1. Aid by Alpaka is giving to Bisnees to put out the forest fires.
  2. Aid by Bisnees is giving to Alpaka to put out the forest fires.
  3. Aid is given to Alpaka by Bisnees to put out the forest fires.
  4. Aid is being given to Bisnees by Alpaka to put out the forest fires.


(4) Aid is being given to Bisnees by Alpaka to put out the forest fires.


Question 3:

This game trailer will pique your interest.

Your __________.

  1. Your game trailer will pique your interest.
  2. Your interest in game trailers will be piqued by this.
  3. Your interest will be piqued by this game trailer.
  4. Your interest in games will be piqued by this trailer.


(3) Your interest will be piqued by this game trailer.


Question 4:

The Chief Warlock has given the examination robes to the candidates.

The examination __________.

  1. The examination robes had been given to the candidates by the Chief Warlock.
  2. The examination robes have been given to the candidates by the Chief Warlock.
  3. The examination robes have been given to the Chief warlock by the candidates.



(2) The examination robes have been given to the candidates by the Chief Warlock.


Question 5:

Hundreds of Pakomon are being given massages by the Elite Elves.

The Elite Elves __________.

  1. The Elite Elves gave hundreds of Pakomon massages.
  2. The Elite Elves have given massages to hundreds of Pakomon.
  3. The Elite Elves are giving massages to hundreds of Pakomon.
  4. The Elite Elves will be giving massages to hundreds of Pakomon.



(3) The Elite Elves are giving massages to hundreds of Pakomon.



Gerund is a verb form which functions as a noun. It is also known as a “verbal noun”. When an action becomes an idea/event/activity, then the verb is known as a gerund.


Running is my favourite pastime. It is fun.

In this example, running is not referred to as an action or the act of running away. It is referring to the idea of running as an activity/sport. Thus, in this example, running is a verbal noun or a gerund. We are using the ‘It’ to refer to the activity and not the action.

The same verbal noun can also function as a verb in a different context.


He was running from the crowd.

In the above example, ‘running’ is the action of running or moving away from the crowd. Here it is not referred to as an activity but it is the action. Thus, it is not a gerund.

Verb Forms

Main verbs have three basic forms - the base form, the past form and the participle form.

base form: it is used as the infinitive form, with or without to

past form: it is used for the simple past

participle form: it is used after have or be


Practice Questions On Gerunds And Verb Forms

Let us try to better understand the concept of gerunds by solving these questions.

Question 1: 

Identify the gerund in the following sentence.

Samuel, who loves running, was seen sprinting along the corridor.

  1. seen
  2. sprinting
  3. running
  4. along


(3) running


Question 2:

Identify the gerund in the following sentence.

(A) Swimming is fun, that’s why I am (B) swimming right now.

  1. (A)
  2. (B)


(1) (A)


Question 3:

Our goal is __________ the limitations of quantum mechanics.

  1. understand
  2. to understand
  3. to have understood
  4. to have been understanding


(2) to understand


Question 4:

After he had __________ for more than an hour, Elron realized that he did not know how to drive.

  1. Drive
  2. Drove
  3. Driven
  4. driving


(3) Driven


Question 5:

“You should have __________ the alien egg before putting it in the incubator!” Carl yelled at his new assistant, Klulez.

  1. freeze
  2. froze
  3. frozen
  4. let it go


(3) frozen


Question 6:

The thought of eating a slimy oyster thoroughly __________ me.

  1. sickens
  2. inebriates
  3. chastises
  4. enunciates


(1) sickens


Question 7:

The victims have not been completely __________ from the Hive Mind’s control.

  1. emaciated
  2. emancipated
  3. enunciated
  4. entrenched


(2) emancipated


Question 8:

The spies will attempt to __________ the enemy base.

  1. incriminate
  2. infestate
  3. infuriate
  4. infiltrate


(4) infiltrate


Question 9: 

“Come on, you know it looks good on you!” the smiling salesperson __________.

  1. suggested
  2. repudiated
  3. cajoled
  4. beamed



(3) cajoled

Question 10:

I will honour my word, but you must __________ trying to pressure me into acting prematurely.

  1. please
  2. cease
  3. accelerate
  4. intensify


(2) cease


New Vocabulary Words


  • a feeling of resentment or irritation resulting from a slight to one’s pride

She was piqued by his curtness.

  • arouse interest or curiosity

Labour laws piqued his interest in law school.


  • drunk or intoxicated

It is a rum-based drink designed to inebriate the masses rather than to please the palate.


  • say or pronounce clearly

She enunciated each word slowly.


  • abnormally thin or weak, especially due to illness or lack of food

She was so emaciated that she could hardly stand.


  • free from bondage, free from restraint

The slaves were emancipated by the constitution from the unjust bondage of their rulers.


  • ingrained habit or attitude difficult to change

She is so entrenched with her superstitions that she will not listen to anyone.

  • to place within or surround with a trench, especially for defence

Our soldiers have entrenched themselves behind the battle lines.


  • make someone appear guilty of a crime or wrongdoing.

He refused to answer any questions in order not to incriminate oneself.


  • To spread or swarm in or over in a harmful manner

Termites infested the whole tree and made it hollow.


  • enter or gain access to surreptitiously to acquire secret information

The terrorists infiltrated the army campsite and caused an explosion.


  • refuse to accept, reject

The minister repudiated the allegations of human rights abuses in China.


  • persuade someone to do something by constant coaxing or flattery

He hoped to cajole her into selling the house to him.


In this article, we have practised questions on active and passive voice and thus tested our level of understanding of those concepts.

We also learned about different verb forms and gerunds. We have learned those concepts by practising questions on those topics. We learn English grammar best by using it.

All these concepts and questions have been written according to the Primary 6 English level.

In the end, we have learned the meanings of new words and also learned how to use them. Thus, we continue to enhance our vocabulary.

We hope you have enjoyed reading this article and that it has helped you with your English concepts

Continue Learning
Composition Structure Phrasal Verbs: Separable & Transitive
Vocabulary Cloze Synthesis: Past Participle Verb
Active And Passive Voice Grammar Cloze
Editing: Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling Composition Writing - Introductions And Endings
Synthesis & Transformation And Vocabulary Builder Editing & Vocabulary Builder
Figures Of Speech And Occupations Verb Forms And Gerunds
Last Lap: Verb Forms, Gerunds & Phrasal Verbs If Conditionals - Varied Questions
Comprehension Cloze And Synthesis Vocabulary Cloze & Comprehension Open Ended
Comprehension Cloze Grammar Cloze & Visual Text
If-Conditionals: Simple Past & Simple Present  


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