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The Difference in Some Clozes

In this article, we will be doing the different types of clozes as per the Primary 5 English syllabus. We will focus on:

  • Comprehension Cloze
  • Vocabulary Cloze

Cloze Passages

You are given a passage with blanks

  • Comprehension, Vocabulary, Grammar
  • Regardless of type, it is advisable to read the entire passage before attempting to answer 
  • Read through again after you’ve put your answers in. Does everything make sense?

When reading through the cloze passage for the first time, what should you be doing?

  1. Pay attention to tenses, context, and annotating whenever you have an idea of what the answer should be.
  2. Fill out all the answers immediately without considering the relationship between each answer and the rest of the passage.
  3. Highlight all the verbs and underline all the articles (a, an, the).
  4. Check to see if your answers make sense and are in the correct tense (where applicable).


1) Pay attention to tenses, context, and annotating whenever you have an idea of what the answer should be.

Practice Questions 

Question 1:

Example of Comprehension cloze (excerpt), P4 format (some schools):

For some reason, Chuck has the (1) ---------- backpack in school. It’s as though he has a mountain on his back!

Note: Not every school gives the first letter for each answer.

  1. biggest
  2. better
  3. bad
  4. best


1) biggest


"Mountain on his back" is a hyperbole, which is an exaggerated statement that emphasizes how big the backpack was.


Question 2: 

My best friend, Mary, is the (1) b------- artist I know in school. No one can draw as well as she can.

  1. biggest
  2. better
  3. bad
  4. best


4) best


Mary is compared with the people in school. So, it has to be more than two. Thus, we cannot use option 2. It has to be a superlative degree.


Question 3:

Snakes are reptiles that can be found in a variety of habitats. They are carnivorous and have no additional (1) -------- such as legs or arms. While some snakes are venomous and poisonous, others are actually harmless.

  1. forked
  2. limbs
  3. pieces
  4. binging


2) limbs


Option 2 is the correct answer - limbs. Forked - split at the end. Binging - to consume a lot at one time, binge-watching.


Question 4:

The white bellbird is native to the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. Most curiously, the mating shriek of the male white bellbird measures in at 125 decibels. That is 40 decibels higher ------ the safe hearing range for humans! While trekking the rainforest, their cries can be heard all over the forest.

  1. to
  2. unless
  3. though
  4. than


4) than


Option 4 is the correct answer as it is the only option that is comparative.


Comprehension Cloze

  • The first letter of the word will definitely NOT be given (no helping words either - no change there)
  • In general, passages will be more challenging, often featuring excerpts from non-fiction texts
  • Longer text and more blanks - but the strategy remains the same
  • More collocated phrases and phrasal verbs e.g. “fast food” (not “quick food”) and “get along with”
  • Check your answer: tense, suitability in the sentence and paragraph


Practice Questions - Comprehension Cloze


As steam billows out of a rice cooker, his men move in sync, hardly talking but working hard. Everyone there is responsible and well-trained. Just like his father, Danang runs a -------- ship and makes sure that the food is made well and in time for all the customers.

  1. good
  2. cruise
  3. responsible
  4. tight


4) tight


Option 4 is the correct answer. Run a tight ship - idiom - means to be very strict in managing an organization or operation, without wasting time, energy, and resources. Everyone knows the goal and works towards achieving that goal in the best possible way.


Question 2: 

The availability of cheap and delicious local food was a welcome addition to the housing estates. Quickly, these shops became more popular, and more and more of them started appearing. ----------, the unregulated expansion of hawkers led to many issues, one of which was poor quality control. Before long, the authorities were forced to intervene.

  1. But
  2. Unless
  3. However
  4. Therefore


3) However


Option 3 is the correct answer.


Question 3:

Here is an example of a sentence that would be grammatically correct regardless of the answer you pick. Check the context (what is the story about? What happened before/after the blank?) to figure out your answer.

What a wonderful feeling! Tim was --------. After months of hard work, his project ended up being a success.

  1. delighted
  2. anxious
  3. flabbergasted
  4. disappointed


1) delighted


Option 1 is the correct answer. Delight means great pleasure or joy.


Question 4:

Take Note: One blank can sometimes take several answers that are not entirely synonymous. However, the overall message remains the same.

For the following sentence, choose the word that does not fit:

In a panic, Janet swam ----------, desperate to reach the surface before she ran out of air.

  1. Hard
  2. Quickly
  3. Frantically
  4. Skilfully


4) Skilfully


Option 4 is the correct answer.
When we are in a panic, we tend to lose our sense of composure. We tend to lose the ability to perform certain tasks in a skilful manner because of panic and pressure.
We use the word skillfully to describe a task that is done with careful intent and with caution.


Vocabulary Cloze

  • Match the underlined word to the option that has the closest meaning.
  • Note “closest”: some options will be tricky, where they are close in meaning but vary in usage
  • Passages will be from various text types, including non-fiction sources e.g. news articles
  • Advantage: you have a full passage to read, look for clues and get a good grasp on the context


Practice Questions - Vocabulary Cloze

Question 1:

The old man steadied himself as he prepared to board the train. Suddenly, he felt a shove from behind. He stumbled forward and lost his balance. Another push sent him surging forward.

  1. rough push
  2. hard kick
  3. crushing blow
  4. gentle tap


1) rough push


Option 1 is the correct answer. Contextual clue: The word 'push' is used later in the paragraph.


Question 2:

The old man steadied himself as he prepared to board the train. Suddenly, he felt a shove from behind. He stumbled forward and lost his balance. Another push sent him surging forward.

  1. tripping and falling
  2. moving suddenly and powerfully forward
  3. advancing slowly but confidently and forcefully
  4. rushing forward hesitantly


2) moving suddenly and powerfully forward


Option 2 is the correct answer.


Question 3:

The flood was serious and was and had come suddenly, taking everyone by shock. But children were soon out and splashing in the water, oblivious to the seriousness of the situation.

  1. heedless of
  2. unaware of
  3. unsuspecting of
  4. removed from


2) unaware of


Option 2 is the correct answer.
Heedless - means to know but not to care, to ignore
Unsuspecting of - not to be suspicious of the situation/danger


Vocabulary - More usage of ‘Oblivious’

Markus appeared lost in thoughts, oblivious to the shouting outside his apartment.

The man nodded and hummed along to his music, oblivious to the awkward stares he was receiving from the other passengers.

I was happily working away, oblivious to the drama unfolding in the room just next door.


Question 1:

Uncle Gary is a very friendly and patient man. Most days, you can see him at this hawker stall, talking tirelessly to his customers and listening to them earnestly.

  1. curtly
  2. amiably
  3. indefatigably
  4. voluntarily


3) indefatigably


Option 3 is the correct answer.
Curtly - rudely brief
Amiably - in a friendly manner
Indefatigably - in a way that shows relentless effort without getting tired
Voluntarily - of one’s own accord (not forced)


Question 2:

What does “flabbergasted” mean?

  1. Puzzled and worried
  2. Very surprised or astonished
  3. Anxious and restless
  4. Proud and satisfied


2) Very surprised or astonished


Option 2 is the correct answer.



  • Comprehension Cloze for Primary 5
    • The first letter of the word will not be given/ no helping words
    • Passages will be more challenging, often from non-fiction texts
    • Longer text and more blanks - but the same strategy
    • More collocated phrases and phrasal verbs e.g “fast food” (not “quick food”)
  • Vocabulary cloze for Primary 5
    • Match the underlined word to the option that has the closest meaning
    • Some options will be tricky, where they are close in meanings but vary in usage
    • Passages from various text types (fiction and nonfiction)
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