Primary English

Words have power - and the pen is mightier than the sword.

Here is a list of our most recommended articles to help you polish your writing, reading, oral, and listening skills so that you are always in exam-ready shape.

61 Articles
PSLE Study Plan: Daily & Weekly Revision Schedules for Exam Success

PSLE Study Plan: Daily & Weekly Revision Schedules for Exam Success

Help your child ace the PSLE with an effective study plan! Learn how to create daily and weekly revision schedules, manage time efficiently, and stay stress-free before exams.
Metaphors vs Personification

Metaphors vs Personification

Struggling with metaphors and personification? Discover their differences, see examples, and learn how to use them effectively to enhance your writing for PSLE and O-level English.
PSLE Memory and Retention Techniques to Improve Academic Performance

PSLE Memory and Retention Techniques to Improve Academic Performance

Struggling with PSLE revision? Learn memory techniques that enhance retention, boost recall, and improve exam performance. Explore AI-personalised learning for smarter study strategies.
5 School Holiday Activities to Keep Your Child Learning (Without Stressing Parents!)

5 School Holiday Activities to Keep Your Child Learning (Without Stressing Parents!)

Keep kids learning stress-free with fun holiday activities like cooking, nature walks, arts, games, and storytelling—no extra effort needed!
PSLE Preparation: 7 Strategies to Help Your Child Excel

PSLE Preparation: 7 Strategies to Help Your Child Excel

Preparing for the PSLE can feel overwhelming, but with the right strategies, your child can study smarter and achieve success. Learn 7 proven techniques to boost confidence and improve exam performance.
The Future of Learning: How Online Learning is Transforming Primary Education in Singapore

The Future of Learning: How Online Learning is Transforming Primary Education in Singapore

Online learning is transforming primary education in Singapore, offering students flexibility, AI-personalised learning, and real-time progress tracking. Parents can monitor their child’s academic growth while students benefit from interactive lessons and structured, MOE-aligned curricula. Discover how platforms like Geniebook support independent learning and academic success.
Primary 6 to Secondary 1 Transition: Essential Tips for a Smooth Start

Primary 6 to Secondary 1 Transition: Essential Tips for a Smooth Start

Top 8 Best Revision Tips for Primary School Students in Singapore

Top 8 Best Revision Tips for Primary School Students in Singapore

Discover 8 effective PSLE revision tips to help primary school students in Singapore improve memory, master exam techniques, and study smarter.
100 Good phrases for composition

100 Good phrases for composition

In the realm of writing and composition, words are not mere tools; they are the vibrant colours that paint the canvas of your reader's imagination. A well-crafted phrase can breathe life into your writing, making it memorable and impactful. This article will explore the art of crafting good phrases for composition and provide ten examples for each aspect.
Teaching personification to kids: Strategies and examples

Teaching personification to kids: Strategies and examples

Personification is a literary technique where non-human entities are given human characteristics. This technique makes stories more vivid and relatable, helping readers connect with the material more deeply.
12 Essential reading comprehension strategies for your child

12 Essential reading comprehension strategies for your child

When your child nails reading comprehension, it's not just their English paper 2 scores that soar; there’s a ripple effect that boosts their performance across all subjects. This is because, when your child masters reading comprehension, they will be better equipped to understand any topic that they may be reading for other subjects.  Now, let's explore some effective strategies to boost your child's reading comprehension skills.
Write with confidence: 35 Subject-verb rules you need to know

Write with confidence: 35 Subject-verb rules you need to know

Discover how to master subject-verb agreement in English writing with 35 essential rules. By learning these rules, you'll improve your writing skills and boost your confidence.
Master the 4 types of sentence structures

Master the 4 types of sentence structures

Writing is like an art; it lets us pour out our thoughts, emotions, and ideas onto paper. To make our writing captivating, we must master how we put our sentences together. Sentence structure is all about arranging words and phrases to create sentences that make sense. In this article, we'll learn about the four main types of sentence structures, master how to recognise them, and understand the advantages of using different structures in our writing.
Picture Composition for Primary 4

Picture Composition for Primary 4

In the world of primary education, one skill that often takes centre stage is the art of picture composition. For primary 4 students, this skill becomes an essential part of their learning journey.
What are Articles?

What are Articles?

Do you know when to use 'the', 'an', and 'a'? In this article, we'll be taking a closer look at the definite and indefinite article, and how to use them across various examples.
Character Development: ALTOS & Creating a memorable character

Character Development: ALTOS & Creating a memorable character

Character development is a very important aspect of writing and the details that we will cover in this article are aligned to the primary 5 English grade.
Composition Writing - Introductions and Endings

Composition Writing - Introductions and Endings

In this article, we will discuss composition writing with a focus on introductions and endings. We will be addressing this topic from the standpoint of the Primary 6 English level.
Descriptive Writing Techniques

Descriptive Writing Techniques

Often, you would have trouble finding the right words or descriptive expressions to use when describing your character. In this article, we will learn a technique that helps describe a developed character so that when you write, the readers are able to understand the character or imagine how they look.
100 Idioms your child can use for composition writing: A comprehensive guide

100 Idioms your child can use for composition writing: A comprehensive guide

Help your child become a master of composition writing with this comprehensive guide on 100 different idioms. Learn about animal idioms, idioms about feelings, emotions, age, personality traits, food, amount, distance, nature, starting or ending something, clothes, safety, and danger. Each idiom is explained in detail, so your child will not only know how to use them but also understand their meaning. Get started today and see the difference in your child's writing skills!


Fragmented Sentences: What are they and how to fix them (with examples)

Fragmented Sentences: What are they and how to fix them (with examples)

It’s no surprise that fragmented sentences are one of the most common mistakes made by students. After all, it’s easy to miss sentence fragments as they can look just like complete sentences: a capital letter at the start, and an ending punctuation at the back. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what makes a sentence fragmented and what you can do to fix it.
Boosting PSLE Oral English Skills with ChatGPT

Boosting PSLE Oral English Skills with ChatGPT

For PSLE students in Singapore, mastering English is not just about excelling in written examinations; it's also about confidently expressing themselves in spoken English. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve deeper into the world of PSLE Oral English practice and explore how ChatGPT can be a game-changer in this journey.
Imperative sentences: A deep dive

Imperative sentences: A deep dive

Imperative sentences help us give commands, ask for things, or show people what to do. This article is all about these sentences. We'll discover what makes them work, how to use them, and why they're so important for good communication.
Unlock creativity: Fun activities with conditionals in writing chain poems and stories

Unlock creativity: Fun activities with conditionals in writing chain poems and stories

Welcome to the realm of creative writing, where imagination knows no bounds. In this comprehensive guide, we will unveil captivating ways to unleash your creativity by utilising conditionals in writing both chain poems and stories. Creativity is the key, and these techniques are here to unlock it.
What's the Subject of a sentence?

What's the Subject of a sentence?

Ever wondered what makes a sentence a sentence? Like building a house, a sentence needs a few essential elements to be called a sentence. After all, you can't have a house without a roof, can you? In this article, we'll be taking a closer look at the star of every sentence, the subject, as well as other key elements that make up a sentence.
Transition Words: What are they and how to use them

Transition Words: What are they and how to use them

Just as nails keep the walls and roof connected, transition words link your sentences and paragraphs, making your writing organised and easy to follow. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what transition words are and how you can use them to give your writing a smooth flow.
Improve your child's writing every day with this fun game

Improve your child's writing every day with this fun game

As parents, we all want the best for our children, especially when it comes to their education. One crucial skill that every child needs to develop is writing. But how can we make the process enjoyable and effective?  In this article, we will delve into an exciting approach: improving your child's writing every day with a fun game. 
Exploring the World of Abstract Nouns

Exploring the World of Abstract Nouns

When we think about nouns, we often picture tangible objects like "apple" or "car." However, there's a whole other category of nouns that represent intangible concepts, feelings, or ideas. These are known as abstract nouns.
Indefinite Pronouns: What are they and how to use them

Indefinite Pronouns: What are they and how to use them

When we think about pronouns, our minds often reach for words like he, she, it, or this. Words that can be used to replace specific nouns mentioned earlier in our writings. But what happens when we’re referring to a non-specific noun? Now that s the job for another kind of pronoun. Namely, the indefinite pronoun. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what exactly is an indefinite pronoun, and when should you use it.
8 Types of Pronouns you need to know (with examples)

8 Types of Pronouns you need to know (with examples)

When we think of pronouns, we often think of words like he, she, we, and them. No surprise there, as personal pronouns are usually one of the first types of pronouns we learn about. We see them in children’s books, hear about them in class, and use them in our daily conversations. However, personal pronouns are far from the only types of pronouns your child will ever meet on their path towards English Mastery! In this article, we’ll be taking a look at the common types of pronouns they need to know.
Irregular verbs: What are they and how to use them

Irregular verbs: What are they and how to use them

Unlike regular verbs, irrregular verbs don't follow the familiar pattern for forming tenses and past participles. Instead of adding ‘-ed’ to create the past tense and past participle, irregular verbs have their own distinctive forms for each tense. This makes learning irregular verbs a bit of a challenge as there's no set formula for students to rely on. To master them, students must instead commit each irregular verb and its special verb forms to memory. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the difference between regular and irregular verbs, as well as the most common verbs you’re likely to encounter when learning the english language.
Descriptive writing: The art of painting pictures with words

Descriptive writing: The art of painting pictures with words

In the realm of written expression, descriptive writing holds a unique charm. It allows us to create vivid mental images using words alone. Whether you're an aspiring author or a student sharpening your writing skills, mastering the art of descriptive writing is a valuable skill. In this article, we'll dive deep into the world of descriptive writing, exploring its techniques, importance, and how to craft captivating descriptions that transport your readers into your narrative.
A complete guide to PSLE stimulus-based conversation

A complete guide to PSLE stimulus-based conversation

In the competitive world of PSLE English examination, the Stimulus-Based Conversation (SBC) is a crucial component that can make or break your child's performance. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of the PSLE English Oral Stimulus-Based Conversation, providing you with invaluable insights and strategies to help your Primary 6 student excel in this challenging assessment.
15 Common mistakes to avoid in PSLE English composition writing

15 Common mistakes to avoid in PSLE English composition writing

Writing a PSLE English composition can be an intimidating experience. Many students might feel unprepared or uncertain of what is required of them. To help with the process, here are 14 common mistakes to avoid when writing your PSLE English composition:
Ask Our Teachers: Tips to acing your PSLE English paper

Ask Our Teachers: Tips to acing your PSLE English paper

Ace your upcoming PSLE English written exam with Teacher Louis' tips on what to look out for!
Subject-verb agreement explained (With examples)

Subject-verb agreement explained (With examples)

Be it homework or daily conversations, subject-verb agreement plays a huge role in effective communicaiton. In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at subject-verb agreement through a variety of examples so as to help your child develop a stronger grasp of the topic.
Verbs: Types and definitions (with examples)

Verbs: Types and definitions (with examples)

Do you ever read a story, pause halfway, and wonder to yourself: ‘Why does the writing feel so stale?’ Nothing’s happening. Every sentence is just lying there on the page. In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at the different types of verbs and how you can spruce up your writing with some action.
Past Tense: Definition, types, and how to use them

Past Tense: Definition, types, and how to use them

When it comes to the English language, there are three main verb tenses we can use to communicate on a daily basis: past tense, present tense, and future tense. We use past tense to describe an action or event that occurred in the past, present tense if it’s happening at the moment, and future tense if it’s not yet taken place. In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at the 4 types of past tenses and how to use each of them correctly.
5 types of Preposition examples and how to use them

5 types of Preposition examples and how to use them

Prepositions are words that glue a sentence together. They help connect nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence so that we don’t end up with nonsensical sentences such as ‘I knocked the door’. In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at the 5 types of prepositions you need to know.
Past Perfect Tense: Definition and how to use it

Past Perfect Tense: Definition and how to use it

What’s the difference between past perfect and simple past? When should I use which? Is ‘had had’ even proper grammar? In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at what exactly is past perfect tense, and how can you use it correctly.
Simple Past Tense: Definition and how to use it

Simple Past Tense: Definition and how to use it

Along with present simple and present continuous, the simple past tense is among the most used verb tenses in the English language. In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at what simple past tense is, as well as the various ways in which you can use it in your everyday life.
Present Perfect Tense: Definition and examples

Present Perfect Tense: Definition and examples

While playing a huge role in our day-to-day conversations - if you’re like me - learning to use present perfect tense the right way can often leave us scratching our heads. In this article, we’ll show you everything you need to know about the present perfect tense so that be it talking or writing, you can use it in every situation - perfectly.
9 types of Adverbs you need to know

9 types of Adverbs you need to know

Having learned the definition of adverbs and how to use them well, now’s the time to dive into the fun part – the various types of adverbs that can add that extra zing to your writing. Here are 9 adverb types that should totally be on your radar.
Adverbs: What are they and how to use them

Adverbs: What are they and how to use them

Adverbs, often confused with adjectives, are the secret agents of the language world. Modifying verbs, adjectives, and even other adverbs, wherever they go. In this article, we’re going to take a look at the basic rules of adverbs and how you can use them to spruce up your writing - seamlessly.
Tongue twisters and PSLE orals: Enhance pronunciation for higher scores

Tongue twisters and PSLE orals: Enhance pronunciation for higher scores

Pronunciation is an important aspect of language and it is especially important in the PSLE English Oral exams. Effective pronunciation can help bring a student's score up significantly. This is because when a student pronounces words correctly, it signals a higher command over the language. 
7 types of Adjectives and how to use them

7 types of Adjectives and how to use them

You can tell an adjective from an adverb. But do you know what an Appositive Adjective is? In this article, we'll be taking a closer look at 7 types of adjectives you need to know.
Adjectives: Basic rules you need to know

Adjectives: Basic rules you need to know

Adjectives, those little words that add flavor to our writing and daily conversations, can sometimes cause quite a stir of confusion. Is ‘early’ an adjective or an adverb? Why does the sound of ‘ an old small house’ clang like an unpleasant creak to the ears? In this article, we’re going to take a look at the basic rules of Adjectives and how you can weave them into your writing seamlessly.
Adjectives: Types and Order Rules

Adjectives: Types and Order Rules

Ever wondered why ‘A big red dog’ sounds smooth to the ears, while ‘A red big dog’ leaves you with a raised eyebrow? In this article, we'll take a closer look at the rules and types of adjectives you can use in your writing.
Ask Our Teachers: How to ace PSLE English oral exams

Ask Our Teachers: How to ace PSLE English oral exams

PSLE English oral exams are just round the corner! Check out Teacher Khairul's tips on how to practise at home!
How to improve English pronunciation: A comprehensive guide

How to improve English pronunciation: A comprehensive guide

English pronunciation can often be challenging for non-native speakers. Mastering the intricacies of pronunciation is crucial for effective communication and building confidence in English.  In this article, we will explore various strategies and techniques to improve your English pronunciation, from individual sounds to intonation and stress patterns. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, this guide will provide valuable insights to enhance your spoken English skills.
PSLE Paper 1 (Writing): Lessons + Tips to help your child score an AL1

PSLE Paper 1 (Writing): Lessons + Tips to help your child score an AL1

Want to know how to make your child's writing go from good to great? This article links to all of the informative strategies, tips, techniques that can help your child get a higher score.
Mastering primary English writing with 5W1H: A recipe for success

Mastering primary English writing with 5W1H: A recipe for success

In this article, we will focus on the 5WH1 writing technique that will help make your child's writing go from: "A cat climbed a tree." to "Earlier today, a mischievous little cat named Whiskers climbed a tall oak tree in our backyard, curiously exploring the branches and swaying in the gentle breeze."
Watch out! 5 grammar pitfalls to avoid for PSLE 2024

Watch out! 5 grammar pitfalls to avoid for PSLE 2024

If your child is taking PSLE in 2023, it’s time to get into exam preparation mode. With the big day just a few months away, there’s no better time to brush up on their grammar, get cosy with the rules, and figure out what exactly is the difference between who, whose, and whom. In this article, we’ll show you the five of the most common grammar pitfalls your child should look out for when navigating their way to an AL1.
Unlocking the secrets of visual texts: A guide to PSLE success

Unlocking the secrets of visual texts: A guide to PSLE success

Informative tips for parents to help their primary school children understand how to answer visual text questions.
5 proven tips to tackling PSLE English Listening Comprehension (updated 2024)

5 proven tips to tackling PSLE English Listening Comprehension (updated 2024)

While some see Listening Comprehension as a low-hanging fruit and perk up their ears, others come unprepared with their minds ripe for distractions. In this article, we'll show you 5 simple tips that'll springboard your child towards that shiny AL1!
The complete 2024 PSLE English guide

The complete 2024 PSLE English guide

This is the most comprehensive guide for students who're going to appear for PSLE English in 2023. In this article, we'll cover exam dates, syllabus, guides to scoring well in each component, study techniques, and links to free topic notes and sample papers.
PSLE English Oral tips: Impress your examiner with ease (with examples)

PSLE English Oral tips: Impress your examiner with ease (with examples)

Is your child a natural chatterbox? Or do they slide down their chair whenever the teacher calls their name? Depending on one's temperament, the PSLE English Oral examination can be a scary test for some and an easy win for others. In this article, we'll show you everything you need to know about the PSLE English Oral so that your child can conquer performance anxiety, impress the examiner, and be nominated for the debate team (fingers crossed).
PSLE Composition writing: 5 figures of speech to make your writing sing [With examples]

PSLE Composition writing: 5 figures of speech to make your writing sing [With examples]

Writing a piece of composition essay is easy, but crafting an intriguing story that garners applause from your readers is no easy feat. Especially when your reader is a teacher who has to mark their way through a mountain of essays that look and sound the same!  To stand out, you need to make your writing sing by sprinkling in some figures of speech. This article will show you 5 types of figures of speech you can weave into your writing.
7 simple tips to scoring well for Primary English Comprehension

7 simple tips to scoring well for Primary English Comprehension

To achieve a stellar grade for English Paper 2, mastering the open-ended Comprehension segment is a must! However, comprehension writing remains one of the weakest areas that often leave parents fretting and students in cold sweat. However, scoring well for this segment is not as hard as one might think. It all comes down to a few handy tricks that your child can use to secure the low-hanging fruit that’s open-ended comprehension. In this article, we'll show you 7 simple tips your child can use to write comprehension answers that shine (and an absolute joy to read)!
5 creative ways to start your primary school composition

5 creative ways to start your primary school composition

When it comes to composition writing, a great introduction is just as important as the body and conclusion. While there’s no one best way to begin, starting your essay with “One sunny day” is the surest way to put your readers to sleep. In this article, we'll show you 5 creative ways to start your composition that’ll keep your readers at the edge of their seats.
Master PSLE Situational Writing: 4 Steps to Better Scores

Master PSLE Situational Writing: 4 Steps to Better Scores

For students taking the English PSLE examination, finding the right approach to Situational Writing is often a tricky situation. To score well, students not only have to nail grammar and punctuation, but also tone, content, and the objective of the writing piece in its entirety. To get you started, here are 4 simple tips to help your child bag that full 15 Situational Writing marks with ease.

The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is a crucial academic milestone for students in Singapore. Among the various subjects tested, English holds significant importance as it encompasses communication, language proficiency, and critical thinking skills. To excel in PSLE English, students need a comprehensive understanding of the exam format, language components, and effective study strategies. All of the above articles explore everything you need to know about PSLE English, from essential tips to recommended resources. 

Understanding the PSLE English exam format

The PSLE English exam evaluates students' language proficiency and communication skills through various components. To excel in the exam, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the exam format and assessment objectives.

PSLE English syllabus

The PSLE English syllabus outlines the key areas of language development that students are expected to master. It covers four main components:

  • Listening comprehension: Assessing students' ability to understand spoken English through audio recordings.
  • Reading comprehension: Evaluating students' reading skills, including understanding, interpretation, and inference.
  • Language use and comprehension: Testing students' grammar, vocabulary, and language application skills.
  • Writing: Assessing students' ability to express themselves through various writing tasks.

PSLE English assessment objectives

The PSLE English assessment objectives provide a clear framework for evaluating students' language abilities. The objectives include:

  • Understanding: Comprehending and interpreting a range of texts.
  • Fluency: Expressing thoughts, ideas, and opinions effectively in written and spoken forms.
  • Language use: Demonstrating accurate grammar, vocabulary, and language structures.
  • Critical thinking: Applying analytical and evaluative skills to texts and situations.
  • Examination skills: Understanding the exam format, managing time, and following instructions.

PSLE English written paper components

The PSLE English exam consists of two papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2. Each paper assesses different language skills and competencies.

  • Paper 1: This paper focuses on writing skills and comprises two sections: situational writing and composition writing. Students are required to complete various writing tasks, such as personal recounts, imaginative writing, and picture discussions.
  • Paper 2: This paper assesses language use and comprehension skills. It includes editing tasks, synthesis and transformation exercises, and comprehension cloze passages.

Building a strong foundation in English

To excel in PSLE English, students must develop a strong foundation in the English language. This involves mastering essential language components and improving language proficiency.

English language skills

English language skills encompass various aspects, including grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing skills. Here's a breakdown of each component:

  • Grammar: Understanding and applying grammatical rules, sentence structures, tenses, and parts of speech.
  • Vocabulary: Expanding word knowledge, learning synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and contextual usage.
  • Reading Comprehension: Enhancing reading skills, such as skimming, scanning, inferencing, and understanding textual features.
  • Writing Skills: Developing writing abilities, including organising ideas, structuring paragraphs, using cohesive devices, and expressing thoughts effectively.

Common mistakes to avoid in PSLE English

To achieve success in the PSLE English exam, it is crucial to be aware of common mistakes and actively avoid them. Here are some mistakes to watch out for:

  • Grammatical errors: Pay attention to grammar rules and practice sentence construction to minimize errors.
  • Poor organisation: Ensure your compositions and written responses are well-structured and follow a logical flow of ideas.
  • Lack of coherence: Maintain coherence in your writing by using appropriate transition words and linking ideas logically.
  • Improper time management: Practice time management skills to allocate sufficient time to each section of the exam.

Overcoming exam anxiety in PSLE English

Exam anxiety can hinder performance. To overcome anxiety and perform at your best in the PSLE English exam, consider the following strategies:

  1. Stress management: Develop stress management techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or physical activities.
  2. Relaxation techniques: Practice relaxation techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation or guided imagery, to calm your mind and body.
  3. Positive mindset: Maintain a positive mindset and believe in your abilities. Visualise success and focus on your strengths.
  4. Seeking support: Seek support from teachers, parents, or peers. Discuss your concerns, and ask for guidance or clarification when needed.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How can I improve my vocabulary for the PSLE English exam?

A: Improving vocabulary requires consistent effort. Read extensively, learn new words, and practice using them in sentences. Use vocabulary-building resources such as flashcards or online word games.

Q: Is it important to practice time management during the PSLE English exam?

A: Yes, time management is crucial during the PSLE English exam. Allocate time for each section according to the marks assigned. Practice solving past papers within the given time frame to improve your pacing and ensure the completion of all tasks.

Q: How can I improve my listening skills for the PSLE English exam?

A: To improve listening skills, actively engage with audio materials in English. Listen to podcasts, news articles, or audiobooks. Practice summarising or discussing what you have heard to enhance comprehension and retention.

Q: How can I overcome writer's block when attempting composition writing?

A: Writer's block can be overcome by brainstorming ideas before you start writing. Free writing, mind mapping, or discussing ideas with others can help generate inspiration. If stuck, take a short break, engage in a different activity, and return to writing with a fresh perspective.

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