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Vocabulary MCQ

In this article, we will be looking into vocabulary MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions). Similar to the cloze passages, the key points to remember before you start working on such questions are as follows.

  • Read the entire question first to get an idea of the context
  • Make sense of the question
  • Eliminate options that do not make sense/match the context of the question
  • Re-read your answer

Before we start with some practice questions, let us first understand why we should learn new vocabulary.

Why Learn New Vocabulary?

  1. Words can be a very accurate and reliable way to communicate your thoughts. Having knowledge of many words = having the right tools in your toolbox. Useful for compositions!
  2. When you encounter a new word, add it to your word bank.
  3. Check its definition, then rewrite it in your word bank without referring. Also, try explaining it to someone.
  4. Lastly, practise forming at least 3 sentences with your new words. This helps you get familiar with them.


Practice Questions

Question 1:

The cowboy __________ his horse and rode off into the desert.

  1. rose
  2. piled
  3. ascended
  4. mounted


The correct answer to this question is Option (4) - "mounted". 

"Ascend" means climb or go up, which is not relevant here and will not make sense in this case. The meaning of "piled" is to get into or out of a vehicle or space in an unorganised manner. "Rose" has 2 meanings - flower (noun) and it is also the past tense of rise (verb), which means go up or upward movement.


Question 2:

The magician made the rabbit __________ into thin air.

  1. depart
  2. vanish
  3. flee
  4. disintegrate


The correct answer to this question is Option (2) - "vanish". 

"Vanish" means disappear. "Depart" means "to leave" whereas "flee" means "to escape". "Disintegrate" means break down.


How to Learn a Challenging New Word?

To learn an especially challenging new word:

  1. Look at several examples of how it is used in a sentence.
  2. Make at least 3 of your own sentences using the word.
  3. The next day, make an effort to use it at least once (either in writing or in a conversation).


Practice Questions

Question 3:

I’ve just baked a fresh __________ of cookies. Let me pack some for you!

  1. set
  2. batch
  3. bundle
  4. bunch


The correct answer to this question is Option (2) - "batch". 

"Set" can be used for paintings, weights etc. A "bundle" is usually used for things that you can tie up or group together. For instance: a bundle of sticks etc. "Bunch" is usually used for things that you can gather or group together. For instance: a bunch of bananas etc.


Question 4:

The police officers __________ every inch of the house in search of clues.

  1. combed
  2. glanced
  3. explored
  4. toured


The correct answer to this question is Option (1) - "combed". 

To "comb" through something is to check in such great detail that you separate everything or look at everything one by one. "Toured" is incorrect as it is used for tourists. "Explore" is used when you are looking at something for fun or adventure. "Glance" is also incorrect as it means to look briefly.


Question 5:

The robber entered Mrs Binky’s house on the __________ of using her bathroom.

  1. pretext
  2. excuse
  3. reason
  4. lie


The correct answer to this question is Option (1) - "pretext". 

"Pretext" means a fake reason given for a certain action. "Excuse" is when you try to cover up for something, but it is not a good reason. "Reason" is a fact. But, as the question states that there was a robber in Mrs Binky's house, he will not give a reason, but he will bluff. A "lie" is not good enough, as Mrs Binky would know that the robber is telling a lie.


Test Your Concepts

Answer the following questions based on the concepts we’ve covered in this article. If you get stuck, revisit the relevant section to revise the concepts.

Question 1:

There’s nothing like a __________ workout to get my blood pumping and heart racing!

  1. vigorous
  2. strong
  3. light
  4. regular


Question 2:

Percy was __________ to explore the woods with us at night as he is afraid of the dark.

  1. eager
  2. reluctant
  3. waiting
  4. tired


Question 3:

This old __________ of drawers is too heavy to move alone. I’ll need help.

  1. suite
  2. set
  3. pack
  4. chest



Continue Learning
Comprehension Comprehension Questions
Vocabulary MCQ Vocabulary Cloze
Connectors Adverbs
Adjectives Tenses
Verb Forms & Perfect Tenses Simple Continuous Tenses
Words In Games Quantifiers
Editing Synthesis and Transformation
Question Tags & Tenses Composition Writing
Verb Forms Subject - Verb Agreement


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