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Picture Composition for Primary 4

Picture Composition for Primary 4

In the world of primary education, one skill that often takes centre stage is the art of picture composition. For primary 4 students, this skill becomes an essential part of their learning journey.

Understanding Picture Composition

What is Picture Composition?

Picture composition is a creative exercise that encourages primary 4 students to combine images and words to convey a story or an idea. It's an excellent way to develop their imagination and language skills.

Why is it important?

  • Enhancing language skills: Picture composition helps students improve their vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure.
  • Boosting creativity: It encourages children to think outside the box and create unique stories.
  • Developing critical thinking: Students learn to organise their thoughts and ideas logically.

Visuals for Primary 4 compositions 

Composition 1: Being helpful

Write a 120-word composition on the topic: The day you helped someone.  The following visuals can be used to help your child think about this topic. Please make sure that your child bases their composition on at least one of the three images below. They are free to base their composition on all three images as well.
Hint: Your child can ask themselves: 
- Who needed help? How can they be helped? How would the person they helped feel after receiving their help? How would the story end?

Composition 2: Swimming lesson

Look at the pictures below and create a composition of at least 120 words. You can use the helping questions provided below to help you write the composition.
Image 1: Image 2:
Image 3: Image 4:


- What made you interested in the swimming lesson?

- How did you convince your mom?

- What did you learn in the lesson?

- What does your teacher look like? How did she treat you?

How to teach Picture Composition to your child

Creating a comfortable environment

Primary 4 students need a nurturing and comfortable environment to excel in picture composition.

Here's how to set the stage:

  • Quiet spaces: Ensure they have a quiet place to work without distractions.
  • Art supplies: Provide them with a variety of art supplies to get creative.

Step-by-step approach

  • Choosing a picture: Start by selecting an image that sparks their imagination. It could be a nature scene, a family picture, or anything intriguing.
  • Observation: Encourage your child to observe the picture carefully and note down details.
  • Brainstorming: Ask them to think about what might be happening in the picture and create a rough story outline.
  • Writing: Now, guide them to write a story or description using their ideas.

Tips for effective Picture Composition

  • Daily Practice: Make picture composition a daily habit to enhance skills.
  • Feedback: Provide constructive feedback to help them improve.

Use prompts

  • Story starters: Begin with a few words or a sentence to ignite their creativity.
  • Themes: Give them themes to work on like 'My Dream Vacation' or 'The Magical Forest.'

To conclude, picture composition is an invaluable tool for primary 4 students. It boosts language skills, enhances creativity, and nurtures critical thinking. By creating a conducive environment and providing guidance, parents and educators can help children excel in this skill.

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