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Adjectives 1

In this topic of adjectives, we will be covering:

  • What are adjectives 
  • Why are they important


  1. They are words that describe nouns
  2. They help making our writing interesting
  3. They help us name and identify things 

Spot the adjective by underlining it:

Red       Soft       Cover       Warm       Bread

Buzzing       Yellow       Sparkling       Potato

Giggly       Smile       Frighteningly 


Red      Soft      Cover      Warm      Bread

Buzzing      Yellow      Sparkling      Potato

Giggly      Smile      Frighteningly 

So what about the other words? 

Let’s understand them too.

Cover can be used as a noun or verb both. 

For example - the cover of my book is torn.

Bread, potato and smile are all nouns.

Frighteningly is an adverb.


Let’s try to use some of the above adjectives to describe some nouns. It would be a fun exercise, so let’s do it.

Warm milk

Giggly sisters

Sparkling water


Question 1:

The moon glowed softly. The towering trees stretched their branches towards the night sky. 

Which is the adjective in the above sentence?

  1. Sky
  2. Glowed
  3. Softly
  4. Towering


4) Towering


The correct answer is 4) Towering. Let’s understand the other options now. Sky is a noun. Glowed is an action that's why it's a verb. Softly is an adverb describing the action. Now towering is followed by a noun that is trees. So that is why it is an adjective. 

By the way, do you know what towering means? It means very tall. 


Question 2: 

As I walked towards the huts, I heard the rhythmic sound of beating drums.

Which is the adjective in the above sentence?

  1. Huts
  2. Drums
  3. Rhythmic
  4. Pounding 


3) Rhythmic


The correct answer is 3) Rhythmic. Let’s understand the other options now. Huts is a noun. Drums is also a noun. Pounding is not even present in the sentence. Rhythmic is an adjective describing the noun - sound. 


Question 3:

Timmy has just been given detention. He has a __________ look on his face now.

  1. Miserable
  2. Cheerful
  3. Attractive
  4. Curious 


1) Miserable


The correct answer is 1) Miserable. This one was easy, right?


Question 4:

She was the __________ victim of a ruthless attack.

  1. Innocent
  2. Responsible
  3. Thoughtless
  4. Humiliating 


1) Innocent


This question may seem slightly complicated due to the words used. Ruthless means vicious or lacking compassion or kindness. Innocent means free of any wrongdoings. Thoughtless means a lack of concern for others' well-being. Humiliating means deeply embarrassing. 

So the correct answer is 1) Innocent, as she was the victim being targeted and attacked.

Question 5:

Janet is the oldest child in her family of six. Every day after school, Janet does the household chores and prepares dinner for her siblings. She takes her duties very seriously. Janet is a/an __________ girl.

  1. Humiliated
  2. Innocent
  3. Thoughtless
  4. Responsible


4) Responsible


This one is quite easy. The correct answer is 4) responsible.


Question 6:

You are watching a 4-hour-long documentary about growing rice. The film is __________ while you are __________.

  1. Boring, boring
  2. Boring, bored
  3. Bored, boring
  4. Bored, bored


2) boring, bored


Let’s understand the difficult words first. What is a documentary? It is a film detailing a topic. So in this case, the film is boring while you are bored. So the correct answer is 2) boring, bored. 


Let’s understand the words ending with ed and ing.

Words ending with ing are adjectives that describe the noun/thing.

Words ending with ed are feelings/emotions felt by you.


Interested Vs. Interesting 

Fascinated Vs. fascinating

Question 7:

I am only __________ in __________ topics such as dinosaurs and Egyptian mummies.

  1. Interested, interesting
  2. Interesting, interested
  3. Interested, interested 


1) interested, interesting 


The correct answer is 1) interested, interesting.


Question 8:

Which of the following adjectives best describes the picture shown below?

adjective frog

Image Credit: unsplash - David Boozer 

  1. Colossal
  2. Flimsy
  3. Vicious
  4. Minute


4) Minute


The correct answer is 4) Minute. So this question has a lot of new words. Let’s understand what is minute. Minute is not only an adjective, but it can also be a noun that also means tiny or very small. The opposite of minute is colossal.


Question 9:

Which of the following adjectives best describes the picture shown below?


Image Credit: unsplash - American Heritage Chocolate

  1. Bland
  2. Hectic
  3. Scalding 
  4. Rich 


4) Rich


The correct answer is 4) Rich, as it also describes the heavy taste of food. The opposite of rich is bland.


Question 10:

Which of the following adjectives best describes the picture shown below?


Image Credit: unsplash - Skyler Gerald

  1. Hair-raising
  2. Humorous
  3. Dull
  4. Uneventful


1) Hair-raising


Do you know the meaning of hair-raising? It means something that causes extreme shock, excitement, fear or apprehension. So this big joy ride causes that feeling to you? 

The correct answer is 1) Hair-raising.



Continue Learning
Prepositions Comprehension 1
Editing 1 Adjectives And Adverbs
Conjunctions 1 Adjectives 1
Tenses / Subject-Verb Agreement Pronouns
Composition Basics Pronouns and Determiners
Vocabulary Cloze Comprehension Cloze


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