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Volume Of A Liquid

In this article, the objectives are: 

  1. Calculate the volume of a liquid in a rectangular container
  2. Calculate the volume of liquid needed to fill a container to a certain height

Volume recap

  1. \( \text{Volume of a cube} =  \text{length} \times \text{length} \times \text{length}\)

  1. \( \text{Volume of a cuboid} =  \text{length} \times \text{breadth} \times \text{height}\)

1. Calculate the volume of a liquid in a rectangular container

Question 1: 

The diagram below shows a rectangular tank filled with some liquid. 

Find the volume of the liquid in the tank.


Length of cuboid \(= \text{12 cm}\)

Breadth of cuboid \(= \text{5 cm}\)

Height of liquid in cuboid \(= \text{4 cm}\)

Volume of a liquid in cuboid

\(\begin{align*}&= \mathrm{length \times breadth \times height} \\[2ex] &= \mathrm{12 \;cm \times 5 \;cm \times 4 \;cm} \\[2ex] &= \text{240 cm}^3 \end{align*}\)


\(\text{240 cm}^3\)

Question 2: 

In the diagram below, find the volume of the liquid in the rectangular tank.


Length of rectangular tank \(= \text{14 m}\)

Breadth of rectangular tank \(= \text{5 m}\)

Height of liquid in rectangular tank

\(\begin{align*}​ &= \text{10 m – 6 m} \\[2ex] &= \text{4 m} \end{align*}\)


Volume of liquid in tank

\(\begin{align*}&= \mathrm{length \times breadth \times height} \\[2ex] &= \mathrm{14 \;m \times 5 \;m \times 4 \;m} \\[2ex] &= \text{280 m}^3 \end{align*}\)


\(\text{280 m}^3\)

Question 3: 

Find the volume of the liquid in the rectangular tank. Express your answer in litres. 

Volume Of A Liquid Image 5


Length of rectangular tank \(= \text{20 cm}\)

Breadth of rectangular tank \(= \text{8 cm}\)

Height of liquid in rectangular tank

\(\begin{align*}​ &= \text{17 cm – 5 cm} \\[2ex] &= \text{12 cm} \end{align*}\)


Volume of liquid in the tank 

\(\begin{align*}​ &= \mathrm{length \times breadth \times height} \\[2ex] &= \mathrm{20 \;cm \times 8 \;cm \times 12 \;cm} \\[2ex] &= \mathrm{1920 \;cm}^3 \\[2ex] &= \mathrm{1.92 \;litres} \end{align*}\)


\(\text{1.92 litres}\)

Question 4: 

Chloe bought some apple juice and poured all of it into \(\displaystyle{2}\) rectangular containers. Container \(\displaystyle{\text{P}}\) measuring \(\displaystyle{\text{15 cm}}\) by \(\displaystyle{\text{8 cm}}\) by \(\displaystyle{\text{6 cm}}\) is \(\displaystyle{\frac{3}{4}}\) filled while Container \(\displaystyle{\text{Q}}\) measuring \(\displaystyle{\text{25 cm}}\) by \(\displaystyle{\text{18 cm}}\) by \(\displaystyle{\text{10 cm}}\) is \(\displaystyle{\frac{5}{6}}\) filled. What is the volume of apple juice that Chloe bought?


Volume of apple juice in Container \(\displaystyle{\text{P}}\)

\(\begin{align*}​ &= \mathrm{\frac{3}{4}\times \text{length} \times \text{breadth} \times \text{height}} \\[2ex] &= \mathrm{\frac{3}{4}\times 15 \;cm \times 8 \;cm \times 6 \;cm} \\[2ex] &= \mathrm{540 \;cm}^3 \\ \end{align*}\)


Volume of apple juice in Container \(\displaystyle{\text{Q}}\)

\(\begin{align*}​ &= \mathrm{\frac{5}{6}\times \text{length} \times \text{breadth} \times \text{height}} \\[2ex] &= \mathrm{\frac{5}{6}\times 25 \;cm \times 18 \;cm \times 10 \;cm} \\[2ex] &= \mathrm{3750 \;cm}^3 \\ \end{align*}\)


Total volume of apple juice Chloe bought 

\(=\) Volume of apple juice in Container \(\displaystyle{\text{P + }}\) Volume of apple juice in Container \(\displaystyle{\text{Q}}\)

\(\begin{align*}​ &= \mathrm{540 \;cm}^3 + \mathrm{3750 \;cm}^3 \\[2ex] &= \mathrm{4290 \;cm}^3 \end{align*}\)


\(\mathrm{4290 \;cm}^3\)


Question 5: 

A painter mixed some paint to paint a wall. He poured all the paint into two rectangular containers. Container \(\text{X}\) measuring \(\displaystyle{\text{55 cm}}\) by \(\displaystyle{\text{48 cm}}\) by \(\displaystyle{\text{30 cm}}\) was \(\displaystyle{\frac{5}{8}}\) filled while Container \(\text{Y}\) measuring \(\displaystyle{\text{47 cm}}\) by \(\displaystyle{\text{39 cm}}\) by \(\displaystyle{\text{30 cm}}\) was \(\displaystyle{\frac{10}{13}}\) filled. What was the volume of the paint that the painter mixed?


Volume of paint in Container \(\text{X}\) 

\(\begin{align*}​ &= \frac{5}{8}\times \text{length} \times \text{breadth} \times \text{height} \\[2ex] &= \frac{5}{8}\times 55 \text{ cm} \times 48 \text{ cm} \times 30 \text{ cm} \\[2ex] &= 49\,500 \text{ cm}^3 \\ \end{align*}\)


Volume of paint in Container \(\text{Y}\) 

\(\begin{align*}​ &= \frac{10}{13}\times \text{length} \times \text{breadth} \times \text{height} \\[2ex] &= \frac{10}{13}\times 47 \text{ cm} \times 39 \text{ cm} \times 30 \text{ cm} \\[2ex] &= 42\,300 \text{ cm}^3 \\ \end{align*}\)


Total volume of paint mixed 

 \(=\) Volume of paint in Container \(\text{X}\) \(+\) Volume of paint in Container \(\text{Y}\)

\(\begin{align*}​ &= 49 \,500 \text{ cm}^3 + 42 \,300 \text{ cm}^3 \\[2ex] &= 91 \,800 \text{ cm}^3 \end{align*}\)


\(91 \,800 \text{ cm}^3\)


2. Calculate the volume of liquid needed to fill a container to a certain height

Question 1: 

A rectangular tank shown below was half–filled with water. Another \(10.05 \text{ litres}\) of water was then added to the tank. How much more water was needed to fill the tank to the brim? Give your answer in litres.


\(1000 \text{ cm}^3 = 1 \mathrm{ \,\ell}\)


Volume of water in the tank 

\(\begin{align*}​ ​&= \frac{1}{2} \times 35 \text{ cm} \times 18 \text{ cm} \times 36 \text{ cm} \\[2ex] &= 11 \;340 \text{ cm}^3 \\[2ex] &= 11.34 \;ℓ​ \end{align*}\)


Remaining volume left to fill the tank

\(\begin{align*}​ ​&​= \frac{1}{2} \times 35 \text{ cm} \times 18 \text{ cm} \times 36 \text{ cm}\\[2ex] &= 11\,340 \text{ cm}^3\\[2ex] &= 11.34 \;ℓ​ \end{align*}\)


Volume of water added in the tank \(= 10.05 \;ℓ\)

Volume of water needed to fill till the brim 

\(\begin{align*}​ ​ &​= 11.34 \;ℓ − 10.05 \;ℓ\\[2ex] &= 1.29 \;ℓ \end{align*}\)


\(1.29 \;ℓ\)

Question 2:

Jenny filled \(\displaystyle{\frac {2}{3}}\) of a square–based container with a cocktail. The guests drank \(\text{2.5 litres}\) of cocktail. How much more cocktail must she add in order to fill the container to the brim? Give your answer in litres.

Volume Of A Liquid Image 7



\(1000 \text{ cm}^3 = 1 \;ℓ\)


Volume of cocktail 

\(\begin{align*}​ ​ &= \frac{1}{2} \times 11 \text{ cm} \times 11 \text{ cm} \times 45 \text{ cm} \\[2ex] &= 3630 \text{ cm}^3 \\[2ex] &= 3.63 \;ℓ​ \end{align*}\)


Volume of cocktail drank \(= 2.5 \;ℓ\)


Volume of cocktail left

\(\displaystyle{ = 3.63 \;ℓ - 2.5 \;ℓ \\[2ex] = 1.13 \;ℓ }\)


Volume of container

\(\begin{align}​ &= 11 \text{ cm} \times 11 \text{ cm} \times 45 \text{ cm} \\[2ex] &= 5445 \text{ cm}^3 \\[2ex] &= 5.445 \;ℓ \end{align}\)


Volume of cocktail needed to fill till the brim

\(\begin{align*}​ &= 5.445 \;ℓ - 1.13 \;ℓ \\[2ex] &= 4.315 \;ℓ \end{align*}\)


\(4.315 \;ℓ\)

Question 3: 

Karen filled \(\displaystyle{\frac {1}{3}}\) of rectangular Container \(\text{A}\) measuring \(\text{24 cm}\) by \(\text{18 cm}\) by \(\text{30 cm}\) with orange juice. Karen then added more orange juice such that half of Container \(\text{A}\) was filled with orange juice. How much more orange juice did Karen add to Container \(\text{A}\)?


Volume of orange juice in the tank 

\(\begin{align*}​ ​&= \frac{1}{3} \times 24 \text{ cm} \times 18 \text{ cm} \times 30 \text{ cm} \\[2ex] &= 4320 \text{ cm}^3 \end{align*}\)


Volume of \(\displaystyle{ \frac {1}{2}}\) of Container \(\text{A}\)

\(\begin{align*}​ ​ &= \frac{1}{2} \times 24 \text{ cm} \times 18 \text{ cm} \times 30 \text{ cm} \\[2ex] &= 6480 \text{ cm}^3 \end{align*}\)


Volume of orange juice Karen added

\(\begin{align}​ &= 6480 \text{ cm}^3 - 4320 \text{ cm}^3 \\[2ex] &= 2160 \text{ cm}^3 \end{align}\)


\(2160 \text{ cm}^3\)




\(\displaystyle{\frac {1}{2}-\frac{1}{3} = \frac{1}{6}}\)

Volume of orange juice Karen added

\(\begin{align}​ ​\textstyle &= \frac{1}{6} \times 24 \text{ cm} \times 18 \text{ cm} \times 30 \text{ cm} \\[2ex] &= 2160 \text{ cm}^3 \\ \end{align}\)


\(2160 \text{ cm}^3\)


In this article, we have learnt how to calculate the volume of liquids in a container as per the Primary 5 Maths level syllabus. 

Continue Learning
Volume Of A Liquid Decimals - Operations & Conversions
Ratio: Introduction Average - Formula
Percentage, Fractions And Decimals Whole Numbers
Strategy - Equal Stage Angle Properties
Table Rates Whole Number Strategy: Gap & Difference
Fractions - Addition & Subtraction Ratio Strategy: Repeated Identity
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