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Conjunctions 1

In this topic of conjunctions, we will be covering:

  • Addition
  • Reason 

Conjunctions of Addition


  1. both …and
  2. As well as
  3. Too 

Let’s try a few questions on the conjunction of addition.


Question 1: 

Gia has a unicorn plush toy. Henna has a unicorn plush toy.
Both Gia and Henna has a unicorn plush toy.

Is there anything wrong with the answer above?

  1. Yes
  2. No


1) Yes


The correct answer is 1) Yes. Well, there is a slight mistake regarding the SVA (subject-verb agreement). So the subjects are plural (Gia and Henna), and hence the verb has to be plural too. So, it will be have and not has.

Now that we have fixed SVA, now let’s look at the sentence again. 


Both Gia and Henna have a unicorn plush toy.

It’s still wrong. Isn’t it?

The second part of the sentence would now be - unicorn plush toys and not a unicorn plush toy.

So the final correct sentence would be: Both Gia and Henna have unicorn plush toys.


Question 2:

Joe enjoys playing ‘Among us’. His sisters enjoy playing ‘Among us’.
__________ as well as __________.

  1. Joe, as well as his sisters, enjoys playing ‘Among us’.
  2. Joe, as well as his sisters enjoys playing ‘Among us’.
  3. Joe, as well as his sisters, enjoy playing ‘Among us’

Which is the correct answer?

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C


A) Joe, as well as his sisters, enjoys playing ‘Among us’


In B) there is a small mistake of the missing comma after sisters, so that is ruled out. Now option C) is ruled out too as the mistake is in the word - enjoy. It should be enjoys. 

Hence the correct answer is A) Joe, as well as his sisters, enjoys playing ‘Among us’.

Now, you might be getting confused as to why 'enjoys' and not 'enjoy' is correct. Let’s understand this grammar rule. In sentences like these—'as well as sisters'—you need to consider that as extra information and ignore that part, focusing only on the subject before it. In this case, it would be Joe. Since Joe is singular, we will be using 'enjoys'.

Understanding Conjunction of addition in sentences

Let’s understand this bit more in detail for the conjunctions of addition - along with, as well as, together with.

Let's take a few examples to understand it.

  • Tanya, as well as her parents, go/goes jogging together every evening.

Here we will ignore the extra information “as well as her parents”, Tanya is singular so we will use goes in this sentence. 


  • Carina and her best friend, with their teachers, are/is decorating the classroom for Halloween. 

Here we will ignore the extra information “with their teachers”, Carina and her best friend are plural, so we will use are in this sentence.


Question 3:

The winner received a trophy. The winner has flown to Tokyo to compete internationally.

  1. Besides the winner received a trophy, he was flown to Tokyo to compete internationally.
  2. Besides receiving a trophy, the winner was flown to Tokyo to compete internationally.
  3. Besides the winner receiving a trophy, the winner was flown to Tokyo to compete internationally.

Which is the correct answer

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C


2) B


The correct answer is 2) B  - Besides receiving a trophy, the winner was flown to Tokyo to compete internationally. 

Let's understand this in detail now. What does besides mean? It means other than or in addition to. When using besides, a gerund is used. A gerund is a form of verb that ends in -ing which is used as a noun. 

So in sentence A), received is used which is past tense and that is incorrect and also we don’t know if the winner was he/she. Sentence B) is incorrect because there is repetition of information - winner being used twice.  

Understanding a Gerund

When you add ing behind a verb, it becomes a noun. Let’s understand with a few examples.

 Verb  =  Actions  Gerund (Noun) → A Thing

I like a (thing- noun)

I like swimming.

Connectors of Addition 

Besides, other than, in addition to  → always followed by a gerund (noun/thing)


Let’s go through a few examples below to understand more.

Besides jogging, Kelly also loves swimming. 

Other than reading, Esther also enjoys watching movies.

Conjunctions of Reason 


  1. So
  2. As
  3. Since  


Question 4:

Selena did not win the art contest. She decided to try harder the following year. 

__________ so __________.

  1. Selena did not win the art contest so she decided to try harder the following year.
  2. Selena decided to try harder the following year so she did not win the art contest.

Which is the correct?

  1. A
  2. B


1) A


The correct answer is 1) A.

2) B is incorrect because so is usually followed by an action taken, that is the result of some outcome. 


Question 5: 

Mr Tan has three children to look after. He works very hard. 

  1. Mr Tan has three children to look after since he works very hard.
  2. Mr Tan works very hard since he has three children to look after.

Which is the correct?

  1. A
  2. B


2) B


Let’s look at the question carefully, and then put the reason at the back, after since. So the correct answer is 2) B.



Continue Learning
Prepositions Comprehension 1
Editing 1 Adjectives And Adverbs
Conjunctions 1 Adjectives 1
Tenses / Subject-Verb Agreement Pronouns
Composition Basics Pronouns and Determiners
Vocabulary Cloze Comprehension Cloze


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