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In this article, we will be learning about connectors in detail. We will be learning about cause and effect specifically here. First, let us understand what connectors do. In general, connectors describe the relationship between 2 statements. Cause and effect mean one factor is the cause or reason for the other to happen (it is an effect of the other factor). Let us try and understand more about connectors through some practice questions below.

Practice Questions

Question 1:

Mary was reprimanded by the principal __________ she had brought a lamb to school.

Mary was reprimanded by the principal __________ she had brought a lamb to school.

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  1. But
  2. As
  3. Although
  4. After


The correct answer to this question is option (2) - "as". Mary was reprimanded by the principal as she had brought a lamb to school. So, the second half of the sentence (she had brought a lamb to school) is cause or reason here, and the first half of the sentence (Mary was reprimanded by the principal) is the effect here.


Question 2: 

We did not win the badminton tournament __________ we were unprepared.

  1. Lest
  2. Although
  3. If
  4. Because


The correct answer to this question is option (4) - “because”. As they were unprepared (cause), they did not win the badminton tournament (effect).


Points To Remember

If a question feels tricky, try asking yourself:

  1. What are the 2 events/ things mentioned?
  2. Which caused the other to happen?


Practice Questions

Question 3: 

__________ my excessive spending last week, I would have more pocket money now.

  1. Because of
  2. As well as
  3. If not for
  4. Only if


The correct answer to this question is option (3) - "if not for". By using "if not for", we are blaming excessive spending for the less pocket money left. If we want to use "because of", then the sentence will be framed as "Because of my excessive spending last week, I don’t have much pocket money now.”


Question 4: 

__________ your hard work and dedication, this project was a success!

  1. as well as
  2. Because of
  3. Only if
  4. If not for


The correct answer to this question is option (2) - "because of". Because of your hard work and dedication (cause), this project was a success! (effect).


Question 5: 

A special ingredient was added and __________ the PowderPath Gals were born!

  1. Because
  2. Thus
  3. Unless
  4. If not for


The correct answer to this question is option (2) - “thus”. A special ingredient was added (cause), and thus the PowderPath Gals were born! (effect). The addition of special ingredients led to the birth of PowderPath Gals. The other options are not relevant and do not fit here.


Test Your Concepts

Answer the following questions based on the concepts we’ve covered in this article. If you get stuck, revisit the relevant section to revise the concepts.

Question 1: 

Heman was in Japan when there was a volcanic eruption. __________, the international airport was closed, and he was unable to fly back to Singapore.

Heman was in Japan when there was a volcanic eruption

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  1. Consequently
  2. Nevertheless
  3. However
  4. Despite


Question 2: 

Sanabelle was late for school __________ she had overslept.

  1. Thus
  2. As
  3. Unless
  4. So

Question 3: 

__________ your brave actions, the children were rescued.

  1. As
  2. Because
  3. Except for
  4. Due to



Continue Learning
Comprehension Comprehension Questions
Vocabulary MCQ Vocabulary Cloze
Connectors Adverbs
Adjectives Tenses
Verb Forms & Perfect Tenses Simple Continuous Tenses
Words In Games Quantifiers
Editing Synthesis and Transformation
Question Tags & Tenses Composition Writing
Verb Forms Subject - Verb Agreement


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