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Vocabulary MCQ Part 2

In this article, we will be learning about vocabulary MCQ. To attempt such questions, it is important to read the entire question first. Not only this, you should eliminate your options that definitely do not match or make sense and test your answers by re-reading the question. Now, let’s check some of the basic skills to tackle the questions:

  1. Read widely to build your vocabulary
  2. Keep a word bank to help you in learning and revising your vocabulary
  3. Try to rewrite definitions without referring to a dictionary

Practice Questions

Question 1:

The __________ of singers sang splendidly at the concert yesterday.

  1. choir
  2. set
  3. band
  4. school


The correct answer to this question is option (1) - choir. A choir is a group of people that sing together.


Question 2:

Thomas is __________. He and his father absolutely love fishing.

  1. a chip off the old block
  2. a daredevil
  3. a thorn in my flesh
  4. a spendthrift


We can solve this question by reading all the options and eliminating the ones which do not make sense in the sentence provided. Two of the options provided (Option 1 & 3) are Idioms. Idioms are phrases that have a figurative meaning, which is different from the literal meaning. The correct answer to this question is option (1) - a chip off the old block, which means that Thomas resembles his parent or father in this case.

Looking to boost your compositions with a collection of 100 idioms? Find them right here.

How to learn a new word?

To learn a challenging new word, you should keep the following points in mind:

  1. Look at several examples of how it is used in a sentence
  2. Make a least 3 of your own sentences using the word
  3. The next day, make an effort to use it at least once (Either in your writing or in a conversation)

Practice Questions

Question 1:

The __________ arrived five minutes early and stood at the passenger door of the limousine, waiting for his client to show up.


Image Credit: pexels - Joe Ambrogio

  1. chauffeur
  2. concierge
  3. waiter
  4. pilot


The correct answer to this question is option (1) - chauffeur. A chauffeur is a person who is employed to drive a private or hired car. In other words, a chauffeur is a driver.


Question 2:

My best friend has long and __________ hair. Everyone thinks she had her hair permed, but that’s not the case!

(If you don’t know what “permed” is, try to figure it out based on the question and the available options. Ask yourself if they make sense!)

  1. bouncy
  2. crooked
  3. straight
  4. curly


The correct answer to this question is option (4) - curly. Permed means a hairstyle produced by setting the hair in waves or curls.


Question 3:

Bruce __________ after his classmates had left because his teacher wanted to speak to him.

  1. stayed in
  2. stayed behind
  3. stayed up
  4. stayed over


The correct answer to this question is option (2) - stayed behind. “Stayed behind” means to not leave a place & stay back at the place while everyone else has left.


Test Your Concepts

Answer the following questions based on the concepts we’ve covered in this article. If you get stuck, revisit the relevant section to revise the concepts.

Question 1:

We could hear the monkeys __________ excitedly in the trees as they set about looking for food.

  1. sputtering
  2. chattering
  3. whimpering
  4. gobbling


Question 2:

The __________ claims to be able to predict your future by studying the stars.

  1. astronomer
  2. astrologer
  3. explorer
  4. astronaut


Question 3:

My English teacher __________ my spelling mistakes to me.

  1. handed in
  2. went with
  3. left out
  4. pointed out

Continue Learning
Grammar Cloze Exercises Vocabulary MCQ Part 1
Tenses Relative Pronouns
Descriptive Writing Techniques Composition Writing
Synthesis & Transformation Vocabulary MCQ Part 2
Vocabulary Cloze Editing
Comprehension Cloze Quantifiers
Distributives Guess The Lyrics
Spelling Bee The Final Transformation
Vocabulary Cloze 2 Comprehension
Grammar Cloze Distributives 2


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