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Area And Perimeter

In this article, the learning objectives are: 

  1. Finding area on a square grid
  2. Finding perimeter on a square grid

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1. Finding area on a square grid

The area of a figure refers to the amount of space it occupies. 

Example 1: 


Area of shaded figure \(= 9\) square units


\(9\) square units


Question 1:

Look at the figure below.

The area of the shaded figure is __________ square units.


In the figure, there are 12 complete shaded squares and 2 shaded half squares.

Area of 2 shaded half squares \(=\) Area of 1 shaded square

Area of  the figure \(=\) 12 square units \(+\) 1 square unit
                                 \(=\) 13 square units


13 square units


Question 2:

Look at the figure below.

What is the area of the shaded figure?

  1. 5 square units
  2. 6 square units
  3. 7 square units
  4. 4 square units


In the figure, there are 6 complete shaded squares.

Area of  the shaded figure \(=\) 6 square units 


(2) 6 square units


Question 3:

Look at the figure below.

What is the area of the shaded figure?

  1. 7 square units
  2. 8 square units
  3. 9 square units
  4. 10 square units


In the figure, there are 8 complete shaded squares and 2 shaded half squares.

Area of 2 shaded half squares \(=\) Area of 1 shaded square

Area of  the shaded figure \(=\) 8 square units \(+\) 1 square unit
                                                \(=\) 9 square units


(3) 9 square units


Question 4:

Look at the figure below.

What is the area of the shaded figure?

  1. 12 square units
  2. 14 square units
  3. 15 square units
  4. 16 square units


In the figure, there are 12 complete shaded squares and 8 shaded half squares.

Area of 2 shaded half squares \(=\) Area of 1 shaded square

Area of 8 shaded half squares \(=\) Area of 4 shaded square

Area of the shaded figure \(=\) 12 square units + 4 square unit
                                              \(=\) 16 square units


(4) 16 square units

Question 5:

Look at the figure below.

What is the area of the shaded figure?

Solution: Area of 1 small square\(\begin{align}\\[2ex] &= 2 \text{ cm } \times 2 \text{ cm }\\[2ex] &= 4 \text{ cm }^2 \end{align}\)

Number of shaded small squares \(= 9\)
Area of the shaded figure\(\begin{align}\\[2ex] &= 9 \times 4 \text{ cm}^2\\[2ex] &= 36 \text{ cm}^2 \end{align}\)

The area of the shaded figure is \(36 \text{ cm}^2\).


\(36 \text{ cm}^2\)

Question 6:

Look at the figure below. 

  1. What is the area of 1 small square? 

Solution: Area of 1 small square\(\begin{align}\\[2ex] &= 2 \text{ cm } \times 2 \text{ cm }\\[2ex] &= 4 \text{ cm}^2 \end{align}\)


\(4 \text{ cm}^2\)

  1. What is the area of the shaded figure?


Number of shaded squares \(= 15\)
Area of the shaded figure\(\begin{align}\\[2ex] &= 15 \times 4 \text{ cm}^2\\[2ex] &= 60 \text{ cm}^2 \end{align} \)

The area of the shaded figure is \(60 \text{ cm}^2\).


\(60 \text{ cm}^2\)

Question 7:

Look at the figure below.

  1. What is the area of 1 small square? 

Solution: Area of 1 small square\(\begin{align}\\[2ex] &= 3 \text{ cm } \times 3 \text{ cm }\\[2ex] &= 9 \text{ cm}^2 \end{align} \)


\(9 \text{ cm}^2\)

  1. What is the area of the shaded figure?


Number of shaded squares \(= 8\)
Area of the shaded figure\(\begin{align}\\[2ex] &= 8 \times 9 \text{ cm}^2\\[2ex] &= 72 \text{ cm}^2 \end{align} \)

The area of the shaded figure is \(72 \text{ cm}^2\).


\(72 \text{ cm}^2\)

Question 8:

Look at the figure below.

  1. What is the area of 1 small square? 

Solution: Area of 1 square\(\begin{align}\\[2ex] &= 4 \text{ cm } \times 4 \text{ cm }\\[2ex] &= 16 \text{ cm}^2 \end{align}\)


\(16 \text{ cm}^2\)

  1. What is the area of the shaded figure?


Number of shaded squares \(= 7 \)
Area of the shaded figure\(\begin{align}\\[2ex] &= 7 \times 16 \text{ cm}^2\\[2ex] &= 112 \text{ cm}^2 \end{align}\)

The area of the shaded figure is \(112 \text{ cm}^2\).


\(112 \text{ cm}^2\)

2. Finding perimeter on a square grid

The perimeter of a figure refers to the outline of the figure. 

Example 1:

Look at the figure below:


Perimeter of figure \(= 16 \text{ m} \)


\(16 \text{ m}\)

Question 1:

Look at the figure below.

What is the perimeter of the shaded figure?


To find the perimeter of the figure, we count the outline of the figure. 

The perimeter of the shaded figure is \(20 \text{ cm}\)


\(20 \text{ cm}\)

Question 2:

Look at the figure below. 

What is the perimeter of the shaded figure?

  1. 8\(\text{ cm }\)
  2. 10\(\text{ cm }\)
  3. 12\(\text{ cm }\)
  4. 14\(\text{ cm }\)


(3) \(12\text{ cm }\)

Question 3:

Look at the figure below:

What is the perimeter of the shaded figure?

  1. 20\(\text{ cm }\)
  2. 40\(\text{ cm }\)
  3. 52\(\text{ cm }\)
  4. 80\(\text{ cm }\)

Solution: Perimeter of the shaded figure\(\begin{align}\\[2ex] &= 20 \times 2 \text{ cm }\\[2ex] &= 40 \text{ cm } \end{align}\)


(2) \(40 \text{ cm }\)

Question 4:

Look at the figure below. 

What is the perimeter of the shaded figure?

  1. 20\( \text{ cm }\)
  2. 100\( \text{ cm }\)
  3. 105\( \text{ cm }\)
  4. 500\( \text{ cm }\)

Solution: Perimeter of the figure\(\begin{align}\\[2ex] &= 20 \times 5 \text{ cm }\\[2ex] &= 100 \text{ cm } \end{align}\)


(2) \(100 \text{ cm }\)

Question 5:

Look at the figures below.

  1. Figure __________ has the greatest area.
  2. Figure __________ has the greatest perimeter.


Figure A:

         Area \(= 6 \text{ cm}^2\)

Perimeter \(= 10 \text{ cm }\)

Figure B:

         Area \(= 3 \text{ cm}^2\)

Perimeter \(= 8 \text{ cm }\)

Figure C:

         Area \(= 5 \text{ cm}^2\)

Perimeter \(= 12 \text{ cm }\)

Figure D:

         Area \(= 4 \text{ cm}^2\)

Perimeter \(= 10 \text{ cm }\)

  1. Answer: A
  2. Answer:

Question 6:

Look at the figures below.

  1. Which figure has the greatest area?
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D

Solution: Area of 1 small square\(\begin{align}\\[2ex] &= 2 \text{ cm } \times 2 \text{ cm } \\[2ex] &= 4 \text{ cm}^2 \end{align} \)

Figure A:

Number of squares \(= 4 \)
    Area of Figure A\(\begin{align}\\[2ex] &= 4 \times 4 \text{ cm}^2\\[2ex] &= 16 \text{ cm}^2 \end{align} \)

Figure B:

Number of squares \(= 5 \)
    Area of Figure B\(\begin{align}\\[2ex] &= 5 \times 4 \text{ cm}^2\\[2ex] &= 20 \text{ cm}^2 \end{align}\)

Figure C:

Number of squares \(= 4 \)
    Area of Figure C\(\begin{align}\\[2ex] &= 4 \times 4 \text{ cm}^2\\[2ex] &= 16 \text{ cm}^2 \end{align}\)

Figure D:

Number of squares \(= 6\)
    Area of Figure D\(\begin{align}\\[2ex] &= 6 \times 4 \text{ cm}^2\\[2ex] &= 24 \text{ cm}^2 \end{align}\)

Figure D has the greatest area.


(4) D

  1. Which two figures have the same area?
  2. A and B
  3. A and C
  4. B and C
  5. C and D


(2) A and C

Question 7:

Look at the figures below.

  1. Which figure has the greatest perimeter?
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D

Solution: Perimeter of Figure A\(\begin{align}\\[2ex] &= 8 \times 2 \text{ cm }\\[2ex] &= 16 \text{ cm } \end{align}\)
Perimeter of Figure B\(\begin{align}\\[2ex] &= 12 \times 2 \text{ cm }\\[2ex] &= 24 \text{ cm } \end{align}\)
Perimeter of Figure C\(\begin{align}\\[2ex] &= 16 \times 2 \text{ cm }\\[2ex] &= 32 \text{ cm } \end{align}\)
Perimeter of Figure D\(\begin{align}\\[2ex] &= 8 \times 2 \text{ cm }\\[2ex] &= 16 \text{ cm } \end{align}\)

Figure C has the greatest area.


(3) C

  1. Which two figures have the same perimeter?
  2. A and D
  3. B and C
  4. B and D
  5. C and D


(1) A and D


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