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Time 1

In this article, we are going to learn about Time. The learning objectives are:

  1. Telling time to the minute
  2. Converting time

Topic Recap:

Telling time to 5 minutes

A clock is used to tell the time. 

The units for measuring time are hour (h) and minute (min).

Each number on a clock represents an interval of five minutes. 

Use of am & pm

am’ is used to refer to timings before noon/in the morning.

pm’ is used to refer to timings in the afternoon and/or night.

Use of am & pm


Fill in the blanks with either am or pm.

  1. Ricardo eats his breakfast at 8:30 __________.
  2. Shirley likes to go for an early morning jog at 7:00 __________.
  3. After dinner, Melissa watches her favourite cartoon at 8:00 __________.


  1. Ricardo eats his breakfast at 8:30 am.
  2. Shirley likes to go for an early morning jog at 7:00 am.
  3. After dinner, Melissa watches her favourite cartoon at 8:00 pm.


Question 1:

The clock below shows the time Jason wakes up every morning.

clock shows the time Jason wakes up every morning

What time does Jason wake up every morning?

  1. 6:45 am
  2. 7:45 pm
  3. 9:35 am
  4. 6:45 pm


The hour hand is between 6 and 7. This means that the time is after 6 o’clock. The minute hand is pointing to 9. This means that the time is 6:45.

6:45 in the morning is 6:45 am.


(1) 6:45 am


Question 2: 

The clock below shows the time when Mrs Lee started making dinner.

clock shows the time when Mrs Lee started making dinner

What time did Mrs Lee start preparing dinner?

  1. 5.15 am 
  2. 5:15 am
  3. 5:15 pm
  4. 6:15 pm


The hour hand is between 5 and 6. This means that the time is after 5 o’clock. The minute hand is pointing to 3. This means that the time is 5:15.

5:15 in the afternoon is 5:15 pm.


(3) 5.15 pm


1. Telling Time To Minute

Every number on the clock represents a time interval of 5 minutes.

Every line in between the numbers represents a time interval of 1 minute.

telling time to the minute

The time on this clock will be 11:36.

Follow the clock below.

clock shows 1:06

Follow the clock below.

clock shows 3:58


Question 1:

Look at the picture below.

Hannah is doing her homework at __________ pm

Hannah is doing her homework at __________ pm.


  1. 3:49
  2. 4:49
  3. 4:50
  4. 5:49


(2) 4:49


Question 2:

Look at the picture below.

The performance ended at __________ pm

The performance ended at __________ pm.

  1. 7:22
  2. 7:23
  3. 8:22
  4. 8:23


(3) 8:22


Question 3:

The clock below shows the time Mary had her breakfast.

clock shows the time Mary had her breakfast

What time did Mary have her breakfast?

  1. 7:13 am
  2. 7:14 am
  3. 7:15 am
  4. 7:23 am


(1) 7:13 am


2. Converting Time

To convert hours and minutes to minutes, 

we need to remember that there are 60 minutes in 1 hour.

For example, 

  1. \(1 \text{ h } = 60 \text{ min }\)
  2. \(2 \text{ h } = 120 \text{ min }\)
  3. \(\begin{align}​​\\ ​1 \text{ h } 20 \text{ min } &= 60 \text{ min } + 20 \text{ min } \\ &​=80 \text{ min } \end{align}\)


Question 1: 

Kenny took \(2 \text{ h } 25 \text{ min }\) to reach the airport by train. How long did Kenny take to reach the airport in minutes?


Break \(2 \text{ h } 25 \text{ min }\) into hours and minutes.

​ Break 2 h 25 min into hours and minutes  ​

\(\begin{align}​​ 2 \text{ h } 25 \text{ min } &= 2 \text{ h } + 25 \text{ min } \\[2ex] &= 120 \text{ min } + 25 \text{ min } \\[2ex] &= 145 \text{ min } \end{align}\)


\(145\text{ min }\)


Question 2:

Write the following in minutes.

write 5 h in minutes

  1. 60 minutes
  2. 180 minutes
  3. 240 minutes
  4. 300 minutes


\(\begin{align}​​ 5 \text{ h } &= 1 \text{ h } + 1 \text{ h } + 1 \text{ h } + 1 \text{ h } + 1 \text{ h } \\[2ex] &= 60 \text{ min } + 60 \text{ min } + 60 \text{ min } + 60 \text{ min } + 60 \text{ min }\\[2ex] &= 300 \text{ min }  \end{align} \)


(4) 300 minutes


Question 3:

Write the following in minutes.

write 1 h 50 min in minutes

  1. 50 minutes
  2. 60 minutes
  3. 100 minutes
  4. 110 minutes


\(\begin{align}​​ 1 \text{ h } 50 \text{ min } &= 60 \text{ min } + 50 \text{ min } \\[2ex] &= 110 \text{ min } \end{align}\)


(4) 110 minutes


Question 4:

Write the following in minutes.

write 4 h 45 min in minutes

  1. 240 minutes
  2. 245 minutes
  3. 285 minutes
  4. 295 minutes


\(\begin{align}​​ 4 \text{ h } 45 \text{ min } &= 4 \text{ h } + 45 \text{ min } \\[2ex] &= 240 \text{ min } + 45 \text{ min }\\[2ex] &= 285 \text{ min } \end{align}\)


(3) 285 minutes


Question 5:

The movie ‘Musical Return of Gitan’ lasted for \(140 \text{ min}\). How long was the movie in hours and minutes?


Break \(140 \text{ min}\) into hours and minutes.

​ Break 140 min into hours and minutes  ​

\(\begin{align}​​ 140 \text{ min } &= 120 \text{ min }+ 20 \text{ min } \\[2ex] &= 2 \text{ h }+ 20  \text{ min } \\[2ex] &= 2 \text{ h } 20 \text{ min } \end{align}\)


2 h 20 min


Question 6:

Look at the following.

express 62 minutes in hours and minutes

  1. 1 h
  2. 1 h 2 min
  3. 1 h 12 min
  4. 1 h 20 min


\(\begin{align}​​ 62 \text{ min } &= 60 \text{ min }+ 2 \text{ min }\\[2ex] &= 1 \text{ h } + 2 \text{ min }\\[2ex] &= 1 \text{ h } 2 \text{ min } \end{align} \)


(2) 1 h 2 min


Question 7:

Write in hours and minutes.

express 185 minutes in hours and minutes

  1. 2 h 5 min
  2. 3h  5 min
  3. 3 h 15 min
  4. 4 h 25 min


Break \(185 \text{ min}\) into hours and minutes.

​ Break 185 min into hours and minutes  ​

\(\begin{align}​​ 185 \text{ min } &= 60 \text{ min }+ 60 \text{ min }+ 60 \text{ min }+ 5 \text{ min }\\[2ex] &= 1 \text{ h }+ 1 \text{ h }+ 1 \text{ h }+ 5  \text{ min } \\[2ex] &= 3 \text{ h }+ 5 \text{ min }\\[2ex] &= 3 \text{ h } 5 \text{ min } \end{align} \)


(2) 3 h 5 min


Question 8:

Write in hours and minutes.

express 475 minutes in hours and minutes

  1. 6 h 45 min
  2. 6 h 55 min
  3. 7 h 45 min
  4. 7 h 55 min


Break \(475 \text{ min}\) into hours and minutes.

​ Break 475 min into hours and minutes  ​

\(\begin{align}​​ 475 \text{ min } &= 60 \text{ min } + 60 \text{ min } + 60 \text{ min } + 60 \text{ min } + 60 \text{ min } + 60 \text{ min } + 60 \text{ min } + 55 \text{ min } \\[2ex] &= 1 \text{ h } + 1 \text{ h } + 1 \text{ h } + 1 \text{ h } + 1 \text{ h } + 1 \text{ h } + 1 \text{ h } + 55 \text{ min }\\[2ex] &= 7 \text{ h } + 55 \text{ min }\\[2ex] &= 7 \text{ h } 55 \text{ min } \end{align}\)


(4) 7 h 55 min


In this article, we have learnt about Time:

  • Telling time to the minute
  • Converting time


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Multiplication And Division 2 Addition And Subtraction 1
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Volume 1 Money 1
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Model Drawing 4  


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