When should children get serious about exams?

Studies have proved that putting immense pressure on children regarding exams can wrongly influence their mental health. Children need to be serious about their studies, but they should refrain from worrying too much about their results at a young age.
Making children realise the importance of exams and good results is a gradual process and should not be enforced from a tender age. It is vital to give them time to understand the concept of exams and then let them analyse the level of seriousness it entails.
It can be stressful for your child to anticipate exam results, especially for teenagers that hope to meet their parents' expectations. It's common to experience stress prior to exam results, but too much of it can be detrimental to their mental health. Hence, parents should find and decide on the right time to tell their children about the importance of exams.
When is an appropriate time for children to get serious about their exams?
Observe your child’s attitude towards exams
Before bringing up exams and exam pressure to your child, try to observe and understand their outlook towards exams. No child is the same; and likewise, every student has a different approach to their studies and exams.
Decide whether they take their exams seriously before you start talking to them about it. The least assistance is required if your child takes their tests seriously and understands their importance. If they don’t seem to grasp the weight of exams, it is then crucial to guide them towards the proper direction.
Act according to your child’s age
Exams are important, but placing pressure on children of young ages can affect them negatively. Before introducing heavy concepts to children, parents should understand their minds and be mindful of their ages. At a young age, simply knowing about the idea of exams should suffice for children. As they grow up, gradually introduce the concept of results to them before talking about excelling in their exams.
Previous examination results
Another factor that helps in determining the right time to speak to your child about exams and results is their performance in prior papers they took. This is again influenced by the seriousness of your child towards their studies and exams.
Parents should always keep track of their child’s previous performances. Exam-related conversations may be postponed if they have been performing satisfactorily. On the other hand, if their results have been poor, find time to speak to your child and go over the various exam fundamentals and things they can look out for.
Sense the exam anxiety
When children find themselves not being able to grasp the idea of exams, they may end up feeling anxious and stressed. It is generally advised that they be allowed to understand the concept of exams first. In the case where children find it challenging to comprehend the importance of exams, parents should step in to go through the reasons why, and aid them in dealing with exam-related anxiety.
Is it necessary for parents to step in and help?
Parents should step in as exams are in place to decide the performance and learning progress of their children. Children often overlook exams at a young age because they do not understand their seriousness. In such cases, parents should explain the necessity and importance of exams to their child to help them conquer exam anxiety or misinterpretations.
The bottom line
As the saying goes, there is always a right time for everything. Similarly, there is also a correct timeline to help children get used to and grasp the idea of exams. Handling children at this stage may prove to be challenging and therefore parents should be tactful with their words and also ensure they are performing at the right pace for their age.
Even though the outcomes of an exam are not entirely used to pave the way for a student's future or showcase their full suite of capabilities, they still greatly contribute to how students feel about their worthiness of gaining respect, experience, and pertinent knowledge for their personal aspirations.