Geniebook Arena: Get ready to rumble

In a world of informative YouTube videos, TikTok study hacks, and educational video games, learning no longer takes place just within classroom walls.
Always on the lookout for new ways to turn your child’s learning journey into a rewarding experience, Geniebook weaves together game-based elements and MOE-aligned syllabus questions to create Arena - a daily competition for students looking to test their wits and give their brains a tease.
What is Geniebook Arena?
Calling all Maths whizzes and Science geeks - it’s time to step into the ring! Arena is an online competition for primary 1 to 6 students worldwide (7 to 12 years old) looking to put their knowledge of Science and Maths to the test. Instead of burying their noses in assessment books, Arena shakes things up by injecting a daily dose of challenge that spurs students to learn smarter and do better.
Fostering team spirit and fanning the flame of healthy competition, Arena is Geniebook’s way of introducing a holistic learning experience in a compelling new manner. Incorporating game elements designed to boost motivation and self-confidence, students are nudged towards academic excellence one question at a time - what’s more, they have lots of fun while they’re at it!
How Arena works
Forming teams of 5, students will answer a total of 5 Maths or Science questions generated from our repository of over 300,000 curated questions aligned to the latest MOE syllabus.
Each player will be given 1 to 2 minutes to answer every question. With each correct answer, students will move on to the next round and be awarded bubbles, Geniebook’s digital token that can be used to redeem attractive child-friendly prizes from our Bubble Store.
On the other hand, if a student doesn’t provide the right answer within the given time, they will not be able to proceed to the next round, which renders the game to end. However, as Arena is a daily competition, students are welcome to rejoin the following day to answer a new set of questions on a fresh topic!
To kick things up a notch, students will experience gradual increases in difficulty as they progress through the game. This is to ensure students are constantly challenged to do better - with greater difficulty also comes a greater number of bubbles to be won! On top of that, the top 10 teams with the highest amount of bubbles earned will be featured on the monthly global leaderboard!
The top 3 highest-scoring teams will receive an additional 5,000 bubbles each, while the other 7 teams will receive an additional 3,000 bubbles each.
Put your game face on
So, are you ready to rumble? Here are the rules. Students are to invite their friends, form their teams, and battle their way up the leaderboard.
- Go to Geniebook Arena
- Register for an Arena Account
- Form a new team or join an existing team
- Download the Arena Guidebook
- Invite more friends
Students should note that Arena begins promptly at 7:30 PM daily. Once the game begins, students won’t be able to join for the day. So be sure to encourage your child to be punctual and log in on time!
Making regular revision a habit is no easy feat. Hence, Arena was designed to help students make daily practice a routine. To defeat their opponents, students have to stay at the top of their game, which means more practice! The better grasp your child has on the subjects, the greater the chance they have to push their team up the leaderboard. Most importantly, this means that they’ll be more prepared when exams roll around.
By redeeming their favourite toy or stationery with their hard-earned bubbles, students are learning the most valuable lesson of all - that hard work does pay off. So, join Geniebook Arena and encourage your child in building the habit of daily practice today!