Should students study in the day or at night?

To study in the day or to study at night, that is the question. The simple explanation is that there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to this - it all boils down to your child’s preferences, schedule, and habits.
Impact of timing on studies
When we sleep, the neural connections that form our memory get strengthened to reinforce and consolidate information in our minds. In the morning, after an ample amount of sleep and a hearty breakfast, our minds are alert and our bodies are fully energised. These factors make it conducive for us to fill our brains with new information.
As the day progresses, our energy and alertness depletes. Therefore, the best use of these afternoon and evening timings is to integrate the newly acquired knowledge with what we’ve studied before to make new meaningful connections and learnings.
Time to study
Each family has their own unique ways of living that their children would usually adapt to. This includes harmonising with the circadian rhythm when everyone in the family sleeps and wakes up.
According to sleep studies, students require at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep or more for their minds and bodies to fully rest, recoup, recharge, and function effectively. Putting aside their daily routine such as studying, recreation, and other activities, children typically have 4 to 6 hours of time to study. Given their time, we can see whether it’s better for them to study in the day or at night.
Studying in the day
Children can make use of natural sunlight during daytime to study, which is considered the best source of light for your eyes. Beginning a refreshing day with a well rested and recharged mind helps them absorb new knowledge better as well!
Early morning studies or revisions can give your child a head start for a fruitful day at school. Even during the holidays, children who study in the morning will love the fact that they’ve completed their revisions early in the day as they would have more time to play and enjoy the rest of their holidays.
Studying at night
Perhaps after completing whatever else your child has to do in the day, they would find it more conducive to focus and concentrate on revising in the evenings. In general, evenings are quieter for children to study peacefully. Since memory consolidation happens when we’re asleep, studying before bed can aid children in naturally absorbing what they have learnt in the previous evening.
The fact is that there are early risers and night owls, and study times vary from one child to another. Most importantly, consider the following points to make sure your child has a healthy study routine, be it in the day or at night:
- Ensure your child gets at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night.
- Adjust their study time according to what they have to do on a regular day.
- Accommodate short afternoon naps for a midday recharge. Experiment between day and night to figure out what works best for your child.